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i. An anaerobic indicator.

i. An anaerobic indicator.

-anaerobic indicator, containing methylene blue, will turn white when oxygen is removed. if the bacteria grow while the anaerobic indicator is white then you know the bacteria is CAPABLE of anaerobic growth (growth in number, not size).

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1mo ago

You would need to prepare a duplicate set of petri plates, one of which must be incubated in an anaerobic environment using a gas pack or anaerobic jar. If the bacteria only grow on the plate in the anaerobic environment, they are likely anaerobes. Alternatively, you could use anaerobic culture techniques such as thioglycolate broth to confirm the growth characteristics of the bacteria in the absence of oxygen.

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Q: What would you need to do to determine whether bacteria growing on a petri plate from the brewer jar are anaerobes?
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How could you plan an experiment to show whether bacteria were responsible for moving the pollen grains around?

One way to plan an experiment would be to introduce a known amount of bacteria near the pollen grains and observe if there is movement of the pollen grains. A control group without bacteria could also be set up for comparison. Additionally, samples could be taken at different time points to track the movement of pollen grains and determine if it correlates with the presence of bacteria.

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What is importance of Gram staining in medical setting?

Gram staining is important in the medical setting as it helps to distinguish between different types of bacteria based on their cell wall composition. This information is crucial for prescribing appropriate antibiotic treatment as it helps to determine whether the bacteria are Gram-positive or Gram-negative. This staining technique also provides valuable information about bacterial morphology and helps in diagnosing infections.

Does something have to be dirty to have bacteria on it?

No, bacteria can be present on surfaces that appear clean. Bacteria can be found virtually everywhere, including on surfaces that may not look dirty. Regular cleaning and disinfecting can help reduce the presence of bacteria on surfaces.

Why might it be difficult to determine whether or not microscopic particles are alive?

Microscopic particles are so small and hard to see with the human eye that is they are alive their movement would be small making it hard to determine whether they're alive or not.

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What would you need to do to determine whether bacteria growing on a petri plate are anaerobes?

some sense

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Does something have to be dirty to have bacteria on it?

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