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Q: What would the air temperature be at an altitude of 12000 meters?
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Temperature is 29 degrees and relative humidity is 50 percent what is the altitude?

The altitude cannot be determined based solely on temperature and relative humidity. Altitude is primarily based on air pressure, not temperature and humidity. Additional information, such as air pressure or location, would be needed to accurately determine altitude.

What temperature inversion would most likely result in which weather condition?

An increase in temperature as altitude is increased.

What sort of temperature would she experience in the strotosphere?

She would experience temperatures around -60°C to -20°C in the stratosphere. The temperature usually increases with altitude in the stratosphere due to the presence of ozone absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

How would the observed temperature be affected if distillation was performed on top of a mountain?

The observed temperature during distillation on top of a mountain would generally be lower than at sea level due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure with altitude. This would result in a lower boiling point for the liquid being distilled, potentially impacting the efficiency and rate of distillation. It is important to consider the atmospheric conditions and make adjustments to the distillation process to compensate for the lower boiling point.

Is the temperature of the air high above the ground above or below 0?

The temperature of the air high above the ground can vary significantly depending on factors such as altitude and weather conditions. However, in general, temperatures tend to decrease with altitude, so it is likely that the temperature of the air high above the ground would be below 0 degrees Celsius.

Related questions

Temperature is 29 degrees and relative humidity is 50 percent what is the altitude?

The altitude cannot be determined based solely on temperature and relative humidity. Altitude is primarily based on air pressure, not temperature and humidity. Additional information, such as air pressure or location, would be needed to accurately determine altitude.

What temperature inversion would most likely result in which weather condition?

An increase in temperature as altitude is increased.

Is 9 a factor of 12000?

9 is not a factor of 12000, If it were 12000 would be divisible by 9.

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What is the difference in 5040 m above sea level and 156 below sea level?

The difference in altitude between 5040 meters above sea level and 156 meters below sea level is 5196 meters. This is because you would be adding 5040 meters and 156 meters, which results in a total of 5196 meters difference in altitude between the two points.

What does Mach 3.2 mean?

Mach 3.2 refers to traveling at 3.2 times the speed of sound. The speed of sound varies depending on altitude and temperature, but at sea level and room temperature, it is approximately 343 meters per second. Therefore, Mach 3.2 would be about 1,100 meters per second.

Can water boil at it's freezing point?

Water can not boil at its freezing point. Water can only boil at its boiling point. These are two contradictory points in temperature that would cancel each other out.

What happens with the temperature when you climb mt Kosciuszko every 100 km?

well i am guessing that because of the higher altitude the temperature would be colder

The top of mount Everest is at about 8850 m. what would the approximate air temperature be at that altitude?

-60 c

Can high altitude affect you anywhere there would be high altitude?

well the air pressure decreases as you go higher up and so does the temperature due to the warm air expanding and cooling. so yes high altitude affects you anywhere

With a wet adiabatic lapse rate of 6 degrees per Km what is the temperature at the top of the mountain?

If the wet adiabatic lapse rate is 6 degrees per kilometer, the temperature decreases by 6 degrees for every kilometer gained in altitude. To find the temperature at the top of the mountain, you need to know the initial temperature at the base of the mountain and the altitude gained to the top of the mountain. Start with the base temperature and subtract 6 degrees for every kilometer of altitude gained.

How much does the air pressure decrease in bar from sea level to an altitude of 1200 meter?

At sea level, the average air pressure is about 1 bar. As you increase in altitude, the air pressure decreases. On average, the air pressure decreases by about 12% for every 1000 meters of elevation gain. Therefore, at an altitude of 1200 meters, the air pressure would be approximately 0.88 bar.