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cause some animals are eatting from grass such as: alligators

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4w ago

If cordgrass were to suddenly die in a salt marsh ecosystem, it would have cascading effects on other organisms. Without cordgrass, animals that rely on it for food and habitat, such as birds, crabs, and fish, would suffer. The loss of cordgrass could disrupt the balance of the ecosystem and lead to population declines in these dependent species.

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Q: What would happen to the other organisms in the salt-marsh ecosystem if the cordgarss suddenly died?
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What makes most of the organisms in the ecosystem suddenly die?

There is no one specific reason that can cause the sudden death of most organisms in an ecosystem. Potential factors could include disease outbreaks, pollution events, habitat destruction, extreme weather events, or changes in ecological dynamics. The exact cause would depend on the specific context and the unique interactions and vulnerabilities within that particular ecosystem.

What would happen to the biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem if this animal suddenly disappeared?

people would get ill and sick

If the number of decomposers in an ecosystem suddenly decreases which type of organism will be affected?

I think it will be the primary consumers since they cant eat any grass?

If algae suddenly disappeared from Earth's Waters what would happen to living things on earth?

The ecosystem would be severely disrupted as algae plays a crucial role in the food chain by providing food and oxygen to many marine organisms. This would lead to a decline in populations of species that rely on algae for survival, which could have cascading effects on other organisms throughout the ecosystem. Ultimately, it could lead to widespread ecological imbalances and potentially impact human activities such as fishing and tourism.

Why is a aquarium not a ecosystem?

They can be, but generally are not. An ecosystem does not need help from outside forces to survive. If you do anything more than just look at the fishtank (such as feed, heat, or clean it), it is not an ecosystem.

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What makes most of the organisms in the ecosystem suddenly die?

There is no one specific reason that can cause the sudden death of most organisms in an ecosystem. Potential factors could include disease outbreaks, pollution events, habitat destruction, extreme weather events, or changes in ecological dynamics. The exact cause would depend on the specific context and the unique interactions and vulnerabilities within that particular ecosystem.

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If the carrying capacity suddenly decreased, the population would experience a lack of resources, leading to increased competition for food, water, and space. This could result in a decline in population size as individuals struggle to survive. Over time, the population may adjust to the new carrying capacity through factors like migration, adaptation, or decreased reproduction.

What would happen if the Indus river dolphin were to become extinct?

The prey species of the river dolphin, such as fish and shrimps, would suddenly boom and dominate the ecosystem as there would be no predator keeping their populations in check. Whatever those prey species feed on would suddenly decrease as there would be more organisms feeding of it. When one species becomes extinct, it can cause other species to also become extinct. However hopefully the ecosystem returns to an equilibrium eventually. Hope this helps!

What ecosystem would most be affected by the fact salt water is denser than fresh water?

Anywhere there is an established ecosystem and you suddenly substitute salt water for fresh water or vice versa, you would have significant disruption of the ecosystem. However, the first places you would see organisms being displaced or being driven out of an area would be the estuaries, where fresh water meets salt water in swamps, river deltas and other boundary-type waters.

What would happen to the biotic and abiotic factors in the ecosystem if this animal suddenly disappeared?

people would get ill and sick

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What would happen to other oraganisms in a salt marsh ecosystem if the cord grass suddenly died?

Then. the other will die too

How would the living things be affected if the water on our planet suddenly stopped evaporating?

Probable many living organisms will disappear.

If the number of decomposers in an ecosystem suddenly decreases which type of organism will be affected?

I think it will be the primary consumers since they cant eat any grass?

If algae suddenly disappeared from Earth's Waters what would happen to living things on earth?

The ecosystem would be severely disrupted as algae plays a crucial role in the food chain by providing food and oxygen to many marine organisms. This would lead to a decline in populations of species that rely on algae for survival, which could have cascading effects on other organisms throughout the ecosystem. Ultimately, it could lead to widespread ecological imbalances and potentially impact human activities such as fishing and tourism.

When a species includes organisms with a wide variety of traits it is most likely that this species will have?

a greater chance to survive if the environmental conditions suddenly change.