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Q: What would happen to temperature on Mercury during the day if a sunspot was directly in line with its surface?
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What is the atmosphere and the temperature of mercury?

Mercury has no real atmosphere and the temperature on the surface is from 80,000 to 700,000 degrees.

Would the entire sun appear black if it were the same temperature as the sunspot?

No, the entire sun would not appear black if it were the same temperature as a sunspot. Sunspots appear darker because they are cooler regions on the sun's surface, not because of their temperature alone. The sun would still emit light across other wavelengths, making it visible even at the temperature of a sunspot.

What has a wide range in temperature in its surface?


What planet temperature is closest to the earths?

Mercury has an average surface temperature (67°) closest to the Earths average surface temperature (14°C). The temperature on Mercury varies a lot though - you could argue that Mars is closer in temperature.

What planet has a surface temperature of 110?

mercury or venus

What is the Mean temperature mercury?

At the equator, the surface temperature on Mercury can range from -173°C to 430°C, while temperatures at the poles can plummet to around -193°C. The mean surface temperature is 67°C

How hot is the surface of Mercury compared to the Earth?

The surface of Mercury can reach up to around 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius), which is much hotter than the average temperature on Earth. Earth's average surface temperature is around 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius).

A dark area of gas on the suns surface that is cooler than surrounding gases?

The dark area is known as a sunspot on the Sun's surface. Sunspots appear darker because they are cooler than their surroundings. They are caused by strong magnetic activity that inhibits convection and reduces temperature.

What is a cooler area on the sun's surface?

An area on the sun that is cooler is called a sunspot.

Core temperature of mercury?

The temperature of Mercury's core has not yet been determined. The surface temperatures are very high because of the closeness of the sun.

Why was Mercury unable to retain an atmosphere during formations?

Mercury has a high surface temperature and a low mass

Why was mercury able to retain its atmosphere during its formation?

Mercury has a high surface temperature and a low mass