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Loss of water through osmosis is what would occur. The protozoan would shrivel up if it did not have a way to replace freshwater in its cells.

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11y ago

it will die

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Q: What would happen to marine protozoan if removed from its normal habitat and placed into a freshwater pool?
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When you select text it remains in its original location and a copy of it is replaced on the clip board?

If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.If you do a Copy, that is what will happen. If you do a Cut, it will be removed from its original location and stored on the Clipboard.

What would happen if an organism's habitat disappeared?

The organisms living in the habitat will eventually perish(die).

What would happen to the egg in the freshwater glass?

The egg would sink in freshwater because it is denser than water. Eggs have a higher density than freshwater, so they sink rather than float.

What would happen to the cell of a freshwater fish if you put it in salt water?

it will die