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probably it would burst and die

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Q: What would happen to a typical body cell if it suddenly increased in size by ten folds?
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Having numerous folds in a cell's outer membrane increases the surface area available for various cellular processes to occur, such as nutrient absorption or waste removal. This increased surface area allows for more efficient exchange of molecules and ions between the cell and its environment, ultimately enhancing the cell's function and metabolism.

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If the proteins that support a DNA molecule failed to function, the DNA molecule would not be able to maintain its structure properly. This could lead to errors in DNA replication, transcription, and repair processes, ultimately resulting in mutations, genetic disorders, and cell death.

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The digestive surface of a frog is increased through the presence of villi in the small intestine. Villi are finger-like projections that line the inner surface of the intestine, increasing the surface area for absorption of nutrients. This allows for more efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food the frog eats.

Why are the folds of the mitochondria important?

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What are upcurved folds in rocks called?

Upcurved folds in rocks are called anticlines. These geological structures form when rock layers are bent or folded in an arch-like shape due to tectonic forces. Anticlines typically have older rock layers at the center and younger layers on the flanks.

What are peritoneal folds?

Peritoneal folds are folds in the peritoneum, which is the membrane lining the abdominal cavity. These folds help to support and compartmentalize the abdominal organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and liver. They can also play a role in reducing friction between organs during movement.