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Q: What would happen if you distilled a sugar water solution?
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Is sugar solution in distilled water a conductor of electricity?

No, sugar solution in distilled water is a poor conductor of electricity because sugar does not ionize in water to produce charged particles that can conduct electricity.

Why will be change in the potato cube in concentrated sugar solution and distilled water respectively after an hour?

In the concentrated sugar solution, water will move out of the potato cube, causing it to shrink due to osmosis. In distilled water, water will move into the potato cube, causing it to swell due to osmosis.

If two cubes of potatoes are put into concentrated sugar solution and distilled water and are left for an hour what will happen?

if this is an osmosis questions. the one in sugar will shrink and the one in water should swell up. in the sugar solution the concentration or [] of sugar is high outside therefore the water moves from inside the potato to the outside to try to equalize the []. the opposite is true for the potato in distilled water

What happen when the distilled water is test by Benedict's solution?

If distilled water is tested with Benedict's solution, there should be no reaction or color change. Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of reducing sugars, such as glucose, but distilled water should not contain any sugars to react with the solution.

What happen to sugar when it is mixed with water?

Sugar dissolves in water to form a homogeneous solution.

What materials do you need to do the experiment of sugar tapand distilled water?

sugar tap water and distilled water.

What would happen if distilled water were substituted for buffer in either the chamber solution?

distilled water does not contain ions, without ions it can not produce and electrical charge. In other words DISTILLED WATER does not conduct electricity.

Why is distilled water a heterogenous solution?

Distilled water is homogenous not heterogenous.

A dialysis bag is filled with distilled water and then placed in a sucrose solution?

Distilled water will move out of the dialysis bag and into the sucrose solution due to osmosis and the fact that the dialysis bag has a hypertonic solution of H2O as compared to the sucrose solution.

What happens if an egg is soaked in distilled water?

An egg placed in distilled water will expand more than an egg placed in the salt solution because thee water concentration of the water in the beaker is greater the the water concentration of the egg.

Is sugar a solution?

No, sugar is not a solution. Sugar water is a solution of sugar and water, but sugar itself is not.

Is a sugar a solution?

No, sugar is not a solution. Sugar water is a solution of sugar and water, but sugar itself is not.