Standard units are more commonly used than non standard units. Also, many of the conversion factors, such as the Universal Gravitational Constant or the Speed of Light, are in standard units and, if your measurements were not in appropriate units, you would need to convert.
The units in the English standard system include inches (length), pounds (mass), and degrees Fahrenheit (temperature).
Standard units are common units that can be re-measured easily. Examples: meters, miles, grams, seconds, etc. Non standard units are more so things than units that can't be measured as easily. Example: 13 pieces of gum in length. Surely you could lay out 13 pieces of gum, but gum varies in size which makes it more difficult to use as an accurate measurement.
You would use a scale to measure the mass of a load of dirt. Place the load on the scale and take the measurement in units such as kilograms or pounds.
In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.In SI units, that would be the Newton.
Think of what would happen if you did not use standard words. Jier fhksdo nsdi en didnr KDI lxdfmsdi. That's right! Nobody would have the faintest idea what you were going on about.
they crack
Standard units are more commonly used than non standard units. Also, many of the conversion factors, such as the Universal Gravitational Constant or the Speed of Light, are in standard units and, if your measurements were not in appropriate units, you would need to convert.
The data analyses would be a complete waste of time (and money). There would be no way of differentiating between something of interest in the data from something that was simply a manifestation of the use of non-standard units. For example, if a scientist measured the length of a car using units that became shorter each day, he could conclude that the car was becoming longer as time passed!
the buildings would fell on us
Standard units provide a universal way for everyone to understand the qualitative value of a number. If everyone decided to use different units, there would be no practical way to share information with other people.
A non standard measurement is one in which the units are not normally used. This would be like saying something is four palms long, a palm equaling three inches.
If it's a standard book, the standard units would probably be cm2.
What would happen to the US standard of living if people lost faith in the safety of your financial institutions?
What would happen to the US standard of living if people lost faith in the safety of your financial institutions?
Chaos and confusion would take place.
You would have a severe reduction of the drainage fixture units that would be able to drain