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mars would probably have life and a thriving cillivization

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9mo ago

If Mars had a large moon, it could stabilize the planet's rotation and potentially create tides, similar to how Earth's moon affects our planet. This could lead to changes in Mars' climate and geology. Additionally, the presence of a large moon may impact any potential future human missions to Mars by affecting orbital dynamics and providing a source of resources for possible colonization efforts.

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Does the Moon and Mars benefit us?

The moon does; it causes the tides. Mars is just there ... without it Earth would be just the same.

How long does it take Mars orbit the Earth?

It does no such thing. Mars orbits the sun. The only large object that orbits the Earth is the Moon.

What are facts about space travel to the moon or mars?

the moon is also made out of rocks and dust and mars moons also have been made out of a very strange type of way. the 2 moons deimos and phobos were actually a part of a large chunk of rocks people bealive that it happened with a large collision with another meteor. there are some likes and diffrences with the moon and mars.

Can you see Mars from Australia and if so when. If so what date will Mars be almost the same size as the moon?

Yes, Mars is visible from Australia and can be seen throughout the year, but its visibility depends on its position in the sky and the time of year. The popular myth about Mars appearing as big as the Moon on a specific date is not accurate. In reality, Mars is much smaller in size compared to the Moon and will never appear as large in the sky.

What is the phobos monolith?

Phobos monolith is a rock on the moon which is sizebly large and goes round planet Mars.

Related questions

What would happen if Mars crashed into the moon?

dooms day.

Are there any other moon's on Mars?

Mars is a planet. A moon is a large celestial object that orbits a planet. So no, there are no moons on mars.

If Mars had a moon would it effect its terrain?

Mars does have two moon .

Would it be faster to get to Mars or the Moon?

of course Moon!

Will Mars be as large as the moon in August?

Mars is always larger than the moon. However, I think you mean will it appear bigger than our moon. No - never - not even close.

How would you find out how far way Mars would be from Earth if Mars appeared to be as big as the Moon?

This is matter of simple geometric relationships between triangles. For triangles to be of the same proportion, what you ha e to do is change all sides by the same factor as you change any one side. The Moon is about 3,476 km in diameter, Mars has a diameter of 6,800 km (essentially twice as big). To appear to have a diameter the same as the Moon's, Mars would have to be about twice as far away. The Moon is 384,403 km away so Mars in the "as large as the moon" case would be about twice this distance or 768,800 km away.

What will happen on august 27 concerning the moon?

Nothing will happen on August 27, 2014 concerning the moon. There is hoax going around about Mars, it is not true.

What would be the radius of Mars' third moon if it was 27 percent of the radius of Mars?

The radius of the moon would be 588.7 miles (947.4 km).

Does earth or Mars have moons?

Yes. Moons are large celestial bodies that orbit planets. Earth's moon is the Moon (Luna) and Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

What does the mission to Mars and mission to the Moon have in common?

Very large amounts of money and very large rockets.

Does the Moon and Mars benefit us?

The moon does; it causes the tides. Mars is just there ... without it Earth would be just the same.

Is the gravity on Mars the same as on the moon?

no, say if you weighed 1kg on earth than you would weigh 0.1 on the moon and 0.3 on mars