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The cell would die because it is not receiving the nutrients it needs and it can not release the waste in the cell therefore the waste becomes a toxin and it can not eat so it dies. Sorry if this answer is not very suffisticated.

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14y ago
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4mo ago

If a plastic coat replaced a cell membrane, the cell would not be able to properly regulate the movement of substances in and out of the cell. This would disrupt the cell's function and ultimately lead to its inability to survive. Additionally, the plastic coat would not allow for essential cellular processes such as cell signaling and communication with other cells.

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10y ago

It would die because no oxygen or carbon dioxide would pass through and that is a vital need so it would not live also a cell membrane gets rid of junk in the cell and if it was plastic it would do nothing because it's plastic a non living organism. A cell membrane is like skin for our body, if our body was plastic it wouldn't work same for a cell membrane.

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15y ago

Nutrition and the necessary transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide would be stopped. Also, waste from the cell would not be able to escape.
Because of this the cell would die.

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Q: What would happen if a plastic coat replaced a cell membrane?
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