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The cell memebrane would shrink from the cell wall (plasmolosis) and the cell would eventually die

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1w ago

If a plant doesn't get enough water, it would become dehydrated and wilt. This can disrupt important processes like photosynthesis and nutrient uptake, leading to poor growth and eventually death if the plant does not receive sufficient water.

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Q: What would happen if a plant didn't get enough water?
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What happen to a plant that has enough water?

it lived

If a plant does not have enough water which event will happen first?

If a plant does not have enough water, the first event that will likely happen is wilting, where the leaves and stems begin to droop and lose their turgidity. This is due to the lack of water pressure within the plant cells to maintain their shape and structure.

What will happen if no water or sunlight to the plant?

They will shrivel and die of course..because the plant is not getting enough nutrients and water,sunlight it needs to grow the anwser is the plant will die,definately ! (hope this helps alot :))

What will most likely happen to a plant that does not have enough water?

It will die. And for some plants, too much water can have the same result. Ask your local nurseryman.

What will happen if you water a plant with saltwater?

nothing will happen it will be like clean water

What will happen if students plant two gardens and the plants in one garden get too much water and the other does not get enough water?

It depends on how severe the lack of water or excess of water is. Neither will be healthy and both will eventually die if the situation is severe enough.

What effect does amount of water have on plant growth?

If a plant's soil has too much water, the roots can rot, and the plant can't get enough oxygen from the soil. If there is not enough water for a plant, the nutrients it needs cannot travel through the plant.

Can plants survive in the desert?

As long as the plant has enough water in it, yes it will live As long as the plant has enough water in it, yes it will live

What will happen if a plant doesn't get any water?

If a plant doesn't get any water, it will eventually wilt and shrivel up as it will not be able to carry out essential processes like photosynthesis and nutrient uptake. Without water, the plant will not be able to transport nutrients throughout its system and will eventually die.

What happen when you dont water a plant?

The plant dies because it won't get any nutrience from the water.

What will happen if you water a plant with water?

It will most likely grow.

What happen when you water a plant?

The plant gets nutrient and the ability to grow.