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Also 10 grams.

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Agnes Bogan

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: What would be the total mass of the products of a reaction in which 10 grams of water decomposes into the elements hydrogen and oxygen?
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When ammonia decomposes into its elements, it forms nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas as products. This decomposition reaction can be represented by the equation: 2 NH3 -> N2 + 3 H2.

What would be the total mass of the products of a reaction in which 10 grams of water decomposes into the elements of hydrogen and oxygen?

The total mass of the products would be 10 grams, as mass is conserved in a chemical reaction. When water decomposes into its elements, hydrogen and oxygen, the total mass of the products will be the same as the mass of the reactant.

What are the reactants and the products in the following 2H2O2 2H2O plus O2?

The reactant is hydrogen peroxide (2H2O2), which decomposes into water (2H2O) and oxygen gas (O2) as the products in this decomposition reaction.

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Hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen gas when exposed to light or heat. The chemical reaction breaks down the hydrogen peroxide molecule into its respective components.

Do products in science have compounds or elements?

It depends on the reaction. The products of a reaction may consist of elements, compounds, or both.

What chemicals were the products in the reaction in producing of hydrogen and oxygen gases?

The products in the reaction to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases are water (H2O). When an electric current is passed through water (electrolysis), it breaks down into its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen gas.

What are the products of the decomposition reaction?

In a decomposition reaction, a single reactant breaks down into two or more products. The products vary depending on the reactant involved, but generally include simpler substances such as elements or compounds. Examples include the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas, or the decomposition of water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas.

What happens when hydrogen peroxide decomposes?

When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it breaks down into water and oxygen gas. This decomposition reaction occurs spontaneously, but can be accelerated by the presence of catalysts such as enzymes or transition metals. The breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen makes it a useful compound for disinfection and cleaning purposes.

Why is it incorrect to state that a compound is broken down into its component elements in a decomposition reaction?

In a decomposition reaction, a compound breaks down into simpler substances, not necessarily its component elements. The products of a decomposition reaction may include elements or simple compounds, but not always the original component elements of the compound.

What are the reactants and the products in the following reaction 2H2O2 -- 2H2O?

In the reaction 2H2O2 -> 2H2O, the reactants are hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the products are water (H2O). The reaction involves the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

The elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction are known as what?

The elements or compounds produced by a chemical reaction are known as products. Products are formed from reactants during a chemical reaction.

What happens when tin oxide decomposes into two products when heated?

When tin oxide (SnO) decomposes upon heating, it forms tin metal (Sn) and oxygen gas (O2) as the products. The reaction can be represented as: 2SnO -> 2Sn + O2.