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The orbital speed would be approximately 7.63 km/s and the period would be approximately 95.59 minutes for a satellite orbiting Earth at an altitude of 1.44 x 10^3 m. These values can be calculated using the formula for orbital speed (v = √(GM/r)) and the formula for orbital period (T = 2π√(r^3/GM)), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of Earth, and r is the altitude of the satellite above Earth's surface.

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Q: What would be the orbital speed and period of a satellite in orbit 1.44 times 10 to the power of 3m above earth?
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What is a geo synchronus satellite?

A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period.

Why is it possible for two satellites to circle the earth in orbits with identical period but different heights above the earths surface?

It's possible because the orbital period only depends on the satellite's distance from the center of the Earth, not its height above the Earth's surface. As long as the two satellites have the same distance from the center of the Earth, they will have the same orbital period even if their heights above the Earth's surface are different.

The time period of a geostationary satellite is?

The time period of a geostationary satellite is approximately 24 hours. This means that the satellite takes about one day to complete one orbit around the Earth at the same rotational speed as the Earth's surface. This allows the satellite to appear stationary relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface.

The period of a satellite is defined as..?

The period of a satellite is the time it takes for the satellite to complete one orbit around its parent body, such as a planet or a star. It is typically measured in hours, days, or years depending on the size and speed of the satellite's orbit. The period is determined by the satellite's orbital velocity and the mass of the parent body it is orbiting.

How long is urauns orbital period?

Uranus has an orbital period of about 84 Earth years, or approximately 30,687 Earth days. It takes Uranus this long to complete one orbit around the sun.

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What is a geo synchronus satellite?

A geosynchronous satellite is a satellite in geosynchronous orbit, with an orbital period the same as the Earth's rotation period.

Why is it possible for two satellites to circle the earth in orbits with identical period but different heights above the earths surface?

It's possible because the orbital period only depends on the satellite's distance from the center of the Earth, not its height above the Earth's surface. As long as the two satellites have the same distance from the center of the Earth, they will have the same orbital period even if their heights above the Earth's surface are different.

Is the moon in a geostationary orbit about the earth?

No, the moon is not in a geostationary orbit around the Earth. The moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical path, causing its distance and position to vary constantly. Geostationary orbits are circular and are typically much closer to Earth than the moon.

What is the definition of a geostation?

A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit above the Earth's equator at an altitude where the orbital period matches the rotation period of the Earth. This results in the satellite appearing stationary relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface. Geostationary satellites are commonly used for telecommunications, weather monitoring, and broadcasting.

The time period of a geostationary satellite is?

The time period of a geostationary satellite is approximately 24 hours. This means that the satellite takes about one day to complete one orbit around the Earth at the same rotational speed as the Earth's surface. This allows the satellite to appear stationary relative to a fixed point on the Earth's surface.

What is the orbital period of the moon in earth years?

the orbital period of Saturn in earth years are 89years

The period of a satellite is defined as..?

The period of a satellite is the time it takes for the satellite to complete one orbit around its parent body, such as a planet or a star. It is typically measured in hours, days, or years depending on the size and speed of the satellite's orbit. The period is determined by the satellite's orbital velocity and the mass of the parent body it is orbiting.

What is the orbital period of Jupiter in earth years?

The orbital period of Jupiter is about 11.9 Earth years. This means it takes Jupiter approximately 11.9 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun.

What is ganymede's orbital period?

Ganymede's orbital period is approximately 7.2 Earth days.

How long is the moon's orbital period in days?

The moon's orbital period is approximately 27.3 days.

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The orbital period of Mars is approximately 687 Earth days, or about 1.88 Earth years.

What is the orbital period of the moon?

27.3 days around the earth.