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Q: What would be the most appropriate title for the diagram?
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A metre would be the most appropriate unit.

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It depends on what you're measuring it for. You could be testing it for the following measurements: Height (using meters would be the most appropriate). Length (using meters would be the most appropriate, kilometres if long enough) Mass (tonnes would be the most appropriate). Volume (m3 would be the most appropriate). Area (m2 would be the most appropriate). Time taken to cross (depends on the length of the bridge. Minutes and seconds would be appropriate).

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Anything would be appropriate, but would be most appreciated might be a monogrammed necklace or even a handbag.

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Filtration. :)

Where can I find a diagram of the life cycle of a flower?

Most botany reference books would have such a diagram but there are some online sites that have diagrams.

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In a history book.

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The binomial distribution.

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This really depends on the individual, some married women prefer to be called 'Mrs', others prefer 'Ms', depending on the religious community the preference might be 'Rebbitzin' which is the official title given to a Rabbi's wife. However, if the person in question has an occupational title such as 'Dr', that would most likely be the appropriate title to use.

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The lyrics would be most commonly in quotation marks. The title would simply be capitalized.