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A binds with T, G binds with C.

Therefore the complementary strand for ATCGCATT would be TAGCGTAA.

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1w ago

The complementary bases for the given DNA strand would be T.A.G.C.G.T.A.A. This is because in DNA, adenine pairs with thymine, and cytosine pairs with guanine.

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Q: What would be the complimentary bases for a.t.c.g.c.a.t.t. for a dna strand?
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The complimentary strand for the DNA sequence cttaggcttacca is gaatccgaatggt. This is determined by pairing adenine with thymine and cytosine with guanine in the double helix structure of DNA.

If a DNA stand sequence tagcaagc what will be the complimentary strand?

The complementary strand to tagcaagc would be ATCGTTCG. In DNA, adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), while cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). So, the complementary bases are matched accordingly to form the opposite strand.

What would be the complimentary strand of DNA bases to aagcat?

ttcgta, because A always bonds to T and G always bonds to C. I always remembered this because A and T are made of strait lines and G and C are curves

What is the complementary strandof bases for a strand with the bases TACGTT?

If TACGTT is read 5'-TACGTT-3' then the complimentary strand will read 5'-AACGTA-3'. Since the template strand is traditionally written in the 5' to 3' direction then the complimentary strand, written in the same manner, would be AACGTA not ATGCAA. The four bases, adenine(A), thyamine(T), cytosin(C), and guanine(G) bond together in pairs. A - T, and C - G. They do not pair with any other base unless in the case of RNA, when thyamine is replaced with uracil.

If the sequence of bases in one DNA strand is TAG then the sequence of bases in the other strand will be?

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