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Stirring and heating improve the rate of dissolution and not affect the measured solubility at a given temperature.

But I mention that the solubilty of solids is increased when the temperature increase.

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Q: What would INCREASE the rate of dissolution but not affect the solubility of salt in water stirring or heating it?
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How does stirring and heating affect the solution?

Stirring promotes uniform distribution of solutes in the solvent, aiding in the dissolution process and ensuring a homogeneous solution. Heating increases the kinetic energy of molecules, facilitating the dissolution of solutes in the solvent by breaking intermolecular forces. Both processes can enhance the rate of dissolution and the overall solubility of solutes in a solution.

How will you increase solubility?

By stirring, heating, or adding more water :)

How could you make a solute more soluble?

You can increase the solubility of a solute by heating the solvent, stirring the solution, decreasing the particle size of the solute, or increasing the surface area of the solute. Additionally, you can also change the polarity of the solvent to match that of the solute for better solubility.

What will affect both the rate of dissolving and the solubility of a solid in a liquid?

Temperature and particle size of the solid will affect both the rate of dissolving and the solubility in a liquid. Higher temperatures generally increase the rate of dissolving and solubility, while smaller particles increase the rate of dissolving due to increased surface area available for interaction with the solvent.

What other examples of ways to increase the solubility of solids and liquids?

Some common ways to increase solubility of solids and liquids include heating the solvent, increasing the surface area of the solute (e.g., grinding it into smaller particles), and stirring the mixture to increase the interaction between solute and solvent molecules. Other methods could include adding a third substance that can interact with both the solute and solvent to facilitate dissolution, or changing the pressure of the system if dealing with gas solutes.

How can you improve the solubility of a sugar cube in water?

You can improve the solubility of a sugar cube in water by crushing the sugar cube into smaller pieces to increase the surface area exposed to the water, stirring or agitating the solution to help the sugar dissolve faster, and heating the water to increase its ability to dissolve the sugar.

How can you make a spoonful of salt dissolve faster in water?

You can make salt dissolve faster in water by stirring the solution, heating the water slightly (not boiling), or crushing the salt into smaller particles before adding it to the water. These methods increase the surface area of the salt particles in contact with the water, allowing for quicker dissolution.

How do you Increase the spread of dissolving salt in water?

Stirring, heating, crushing the salt

How do you increase the number of collisions between molecules?

heating, stirring, surface area

Why do you heat the sodium sulfate solution?

Heating the sodium sulfate solution helps to speed up the dissolution process, making the compound dissolve more quickly and thoroughly in the solvent. Additionally, heating can increase the solubility of sodium sulfate in the solution, ensuring that more of it can be dissolved.

What will happen after heating the sugar solution?

The solubility increase with increasing temperatures.

What helps a solid dissolve faster in water?

Breaking the solid into smaller pieces or stirring the solution can help the solid dissolve faster in water by increasing the surface area of the solid exposed to the solvent. Additionally, heating the water can increase the kinetic energy of the molecules, leading to faster dissolution.