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Q: What word means to go to a higher level to a lower level?
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What part of speech is the word 'downward'?

The word downward is an adverb. It means towards a lower level.

What is the opposite of the word louder?

The opposite of the word "louder" is "quieter." "Louder" refers to a higher volume or sound level, while "quieter" refers to a lower volume or sound level.

What does the word descent mean?

The word "descent" refers to the act of moving downward or a decline from a higher to a lower level. It can also refer to a person's ancestry or lineage.

What is the English meaning of the Spanish word menores?

Menores means minor's.

What does elevations mean?

To elevate means to raise to a higher level, or to promote to a higher rank.

What is the verb form of the word noble?

The verb form of the word "noble" is "ennoble," which means to elevate to a higher moral or intellectual level.

What does scattered mean in weather talk?

The word scattered (clouds, showers, thunderstorms) means occurring in separate areas, at random, or not connected and continuous. The next higher occurrence level is "widespread" or more numerous, and the lower occurrence level is widely scattered or less numerous.

What is the part of speech for down?

The word "down" can function as an adverb, a preposition, an adjective, or a verb, depending on its usage in a sentence.

What does inferior have to do with lower?

That is what the word means. Superior means above.

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What is the part of speech is down?

The word down is an adverb. It means from a higher position to a lower one.