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"Astronaut" is the word that means "sailor of the universe." Astronauts travel beyond Earth's atmosphere to explore space.

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Q: What word means sailer of the universe?
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Why you call universe as universe?

univesre, where uni means single and universe means everything that is there including planet, star, galaxies etc.!

How do you survive in the end of the universe?

The end of the universe means nothing will survive even the universe itself.

What is the best word in the whole universe?

Please and Thank you are the best words in the whole universe.

How is the universe expanding even if atom can't be created?

It is space that is expanding. The amount of matter doesn't necessarily increase. This means that the average density of the Universe is decreasing.It is space that is expanding. The amount of matter doesn't necessarily increase. This means that the average density of the Universe is decreasing.It is space that is expanding. The amount of matter doesn't necessarily increase. This means that the average density of the Universe is decreasing.It is space that is expanding. The amount of matter doesn't necessarily increase. This means that the average density of the Universe is decreasing.

Dark energy seems to be accelerating the expansion of the universe causing what?

That means that the Universe expands faster and faster. It causes the Universe to grow, and the general density of matter in the Universe to decrease over time.