The softness of the blanket enveloped her in warmth as she curled up on the couch to relax.
The softness of the kitten's fur made it a pleasure to pet.
The word, "Ride" is often used to describe the softness or harshness of a moving car. "Hey, Jim - I see that you got your new Hupmobile. How does she ride?"
The word opposite of sensitive is "insensitive."
Asperity is the opposite of softness. I thought the person was soft and gentle, instead the asperity and roughness shined thru.
its softness felt good
The softness of the blanket enveloped her in warmth as she curled up on the couch to relax.
Yes, the word softness is a compound word because it is made up of two words: soft+ness.
The softness of the kitten's fur made it a pleasure to pet.
The noun 'softness' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical quality.The noun 'softness' is an abstract noun as a word for the quality of being sympathetic, lenient, or compassionate; the tendency of a market, currency, or commodity to fall in value; a word for a concept.
The softness of the cat's fur is very soothing. The softness here is the soft nature of the fur.
"Blanket of softness beneath your feet."
Hard is an adjective (tough, or difficult). The noun form is hardness, which is more often used as the opposite of softness.
The word, "Ride" is often used to describe the softness or harshness of a moving car. "Hey, Jim - I see that you got your new Hupmobile. How does she ride?"
The word you're looking for is "volume." Volume refers to the loudness or softness of a sound.