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It depends how serious the injury or damage is.

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5d ago

If organs or tissues are injured, it can lead to functional impairment, pain, inflammation, and potential complications. The body's response to injury includes inflammation, repair processes like scar formation, and potential long-term effects on organ function depending on the extent of the injury. In severe cases, organ failure or other systemic consequences can occur.

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10y ago

the organ system will not work together

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Q: What will happen to the organ system if the organs of tissues are injured?
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What will happen to tissues organs and organ system if cells were injured?

It depends how badly they are injured.

What will happen to the organs if these tissues are injured abut wahtn happen to organ system?

If tissues are injured, the organs they are a part of may not function properly. If multiple organs in an organ system are affected, it can lead to a systemic response such as inflammation, decreased function, or organ failure in severe cases. Proper wound care and medical intervention may be needed to prevent further damage to the organs and restore normal function.

What will happen to the organs system if there injured?

the organ system will not work together

What will happen to the organ if tissues organs and organ system were injured?

It depends on how serious the injury is. It could cause sickness, stress, and if the damage is severe, it could cause death.

If the tissues organs and organ system were injured what will happen to the organism?

It depends on how serious the injury is. It could cause sickness, stress, and if the damage is severe, it could cause death.

What will happen to the organ system if tissues are injured?

the organ system will not work together

What will happen to organ system if tissues organ and organ system is injured?

It'll either heal or die.

What will happen to the tissues organs organ systems if the cells were injured or diseased?

Since plant cells are bestowed with power of regeneration, these are capable of repair the injured and many a times the diseased cells. Thus, organ system get repaired, if the impact is sustainable.

If the tissuesorgans and organ system were injured or diseased what will happen to the organism?

the tissues, organs, and organ systems will be temporaly shut down and leaves will down the plant and it may cause not having flower on the plant

What will happen to organisms if cells tissues organs and organ systems were injured or diseased?

Since plant cells are bestowed with power of regeneration, these are capable of repair the injured and many a times the diseased cells. Thus, organ system get repaired, if the impact is sustainable.

What happen to the organism if the tissues organs and organ system if the cell are damaged?

It depends how severe the damage is.

What will happened to the organs if these tissues are injured?

what organ system of plant similarto those animals