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Wednesday, January 12 - 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service - Bethanie Haitian Seventh Day Adventist at 10401 N. Florida Avenue in Tampa. Pastor Gerly Germain says the community is welcome. They will pray for the lives lost and for the survivors.

Wednesday, January 12 - 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service- Hope Outreach International at 4200 32nd St. W. Bradenton. Pastor Julio Volcy is holding a celebration of life service to mark one year since the earthquake.

Saturday, January 15 - 11 a.m. Award Service - Bethanie Haitian Seventh Day Adventist at 10401 N. Florida Avenue in Tampa. Pastor Gerly Germain says officials and individuals in the Tampa Bay community will be recognized for their exceptional service in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Saturday, January 15 - 6 p.m. - Night of Reflection -Hosted at Bethel Community Baptist Church at 2901 54th Avenue South in St. Petersburg. Fundraiser to develop a training center where the people of Haiti can re-establish themselves by regaining skills and resources they need to rebuild and maintain their families and country.

Saturday, January 15 - 8 p.m. - A Healing For Haiti - The Dare to Care International Group in collaboration with Partners In Health is holding a benefit concert to raise money for the St. Nicholas Hospital in Haiti. Organizers say the patients at the hospital don't have sheets and basic supplies.

The concert will feature bands from Haiti and other sister islands in the Caribbean. All of the proceeds will be handed over to the non-profit, Partners In Health which is stationed in Haiti.

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βˆ™ 2mo ago

On the anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, various events may take place to remember the tragedy, such as a moment of silence, memorial services, charity fundraisers, and community gatherings. It is a day for reflection, remembrance, and honoring the lives lost in the earthquake.

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