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A normal light bulb will light up in exactly the same way, using exactly the same amount of power and giving exactly the same amount of light whenever you light it.

The only difference is, if you light the bulb in a dark place, or at night, it will brighten the dark area. If you light the bulb in an already bright place, or in daylight, it won't change the ambient brightness: it'll just waste power.

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4w ago

If you light a bulb during the day, it will still produce light, but it will be less noticeable compared to when it is dark. The brightness of the bulb will be reduced due to the natural light from the sun, making it harder to distinguish the bulb's light during daylight hours.

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Environmental, Financial, and Comfort Benefits from Light Dimmers?

Control Home Lighting with DimmersTake any room in your house and look at the lighting. Chances are that any lighting fixtures have two settings: on and off. However, lighting dimmers can provide extensive control over how much lighting each room receives. Turn lights off during the day, set them to a low setting in the early evening, and crank them up to full power after the sundown.More ControlNormal light switches only give you two options, neither of which might be appropriate for the time of day or activity. Give the dining room a soft glow for a romantic dinner, or dim the lights when you're sitting down with the family to watch a movie.Save MoneyLight dimmers will appeal to your wallet. A standard 60 watt light bulb can use anywhere from one to fifteen cents of electricity per day. Even a state of the art LED bulb which uses about 1/5 the electricity of an incandescent bulb will cost about $18 a year if left on 24/7. Dimmers can slash lighting costs across your house by 25-50%, and those savings will continue to add up in the months and years to come.Homeowners should also consider each light bulb's life expectancy. If a light bulb on a dimmer switch only operates at half its maximum brightness, that light bulb will last much longer. While the upfront cost of a light bulb pales in comparison to its running cost, longer lasting bulbs reduce the number of bulbs which end up in landfills around the country.

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