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I've had a slight headache after drinking a very cold drink too quickly on a hot (sweaty) day.

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Q: What will happen if you take a cold can of juice on a hot humid day?
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Because the temperature is the same inside and outside the can, moisture condenses on the outside once you take the can from the fridge into a warmer humid place, however this would not happen if you took the cold can to a place at least as cold as the fridge.

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It might depend on the cold but oranges do have vitamin C so it would probably help.

What happens when you take a cold can of juice outside on a hot day?

condensation will likely form on the exterior of the can. Also the juice will eventually becomes warm because of the heat.

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The cold medicine is an antihistamine so you are taking double the amount of antihistamine.

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It will get very cold.

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A humid place is best because humid air rises and is full of wetness so water evaporates into humid air.

How often does a person shower?

atleast once a day. but in humid countries, most people bathe during mornings and evenings. In cold areas like Hong Kong, they take a bath in the evening.

How can you get rid of a cold ASAP?

take medicine ---------------------- once a cold has started its not exactly a qwuick process out...but drink a lot of orange juice. :) that's what i do :) and lots of water too

Can you take cranberry juice with other vitamims?

YES! You can take cranberry juice with anything!