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You cannot walk. On roads wheels cannot move. You cannot bite and cannot hold things. So life would become still.

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Q: What will happen if there is no friction in universe?
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Does the force of friction act between all objects in the universe?

No. Objects have to be in contact for there to be friction between them.

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The friction will go down drastically.

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Lego Universe happened in 2010.

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Entropia Universe happened in 2003.

What would happen if there was more friction?

If friction is more it leads to unwanted things

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It happened in the center of the universe, for which it is still expanding on the universe.

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He is a tiger in a friction character in the Master of Universe franchise.

What could happen if there is no friction in land?

Friction is what holds, stops things from moving. if there was no friction then things would be on the move 24/7.

Where dos friction occur in gymnastics?

This would be sliding friction and it could happen when:run on the floor

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Well if it DOES happen and a black hole DOES destroy the Universe, then we won't be around to worry about it.

When did Dancing Stage Universe happen?

Dancing Stage Universe happened in 2007.