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Q: What will happen if there is a disruption in the cycle of important nutrients in biosphere?
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What will happen if the biosphere stoped changing?

it will probley end life as we know it

What will happen if you kill all the organisms in one tropic level?

If you were to kill all the organisms in one trophic level, it would disrupt the entire food chain. This disruption would affect the populations of organisms in other trophic levels, ultimately leading to ecosystem imbalance and potential collapse. Each trophic level plays a specific role in maintaining the balance and stability of an ecosystem.

What is the role of the biosphere and the lithosphere in the water cycle?

The biosphere is important to the hydrological cycle because without the trees the precipitation won't be met with any interception and therefore will go straight to the ground where little or no infiltration will happen because the land has been disturbed. this means that the water will get back to the river more quickly and therefore will cause flooding. The lithosphere is important to the hydrological cycle because without it infiltration won't happen in the earths crust and therefore will cause surface storage and then surface runoff which will then cause flooding in the river because the water will get back faster than going all the way underground to the water table and then going into the river. Hope this help.

What will happen to a plant if its food carrying tube is removed?

Because nutrients are constantly passing through the stem, when the roots are immersed in soil. The nutrients build up in the stem and cause a blockage, causing the stem to swell.

What wont happen if flowers are removed from a plant?

If flowers are removed from a plant, the plant may not be able to produce seeds or fruit. This can lead to a disruption in the plant's reproductive cycle and may impact its ability to propagate and reproduce. However, removing flowers will not necessarily harm the overall health of the plant itself.

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What will happen if the biosphere stoped changing?

it will probley end life as we know it

What will happen to hydrosphere and biosphere in the absence of atmosphere?

In the absence of an atmosphere, both the hydrosphere and biosphere would be highly compromised. Without an atmosphere to regulate temperature, protect against harmful radiation, and provide gases essential for life, water bodies would evaporate or freeze, and most life forms would struggle to survive due to lack of oxygen and protection from space-related hazards.

What would happen if the biosphere stop interacting with the atmosphere?

There would be no air or oxygen for us to survive.

What will happen if you kill all the organisms in one tropic level?

If you were to kill all the organisms in one trophic level, it would disrupt the entire food chain. This disruption would affect the populations of organisms in other trophic levels, ultimately leading to ecosystem imbalance and potential collapse. Each trophic level plays a specific role in maintaining the balance and stability of an ecosystem.

Where do Waterspouts happen?

Waterspouts typically occur over warm tropical or subtropical waters, often in the North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and parts of the Mediterranean Sea. They are most common in regions with high humidity and warm water temperatures.

What would happen to some of the nutrients in chyme if the pancreas did not secrete its solution into the small intestine?

The nutrients in the chyme would not be absorbed by the villi and your body would not get the nutrients.

What would happen if you did not have vitamin C?

Other nutrients couldn't get where they are needed.

What happen when a part of the brain does not get supply of oxygen and nutrients?

You are in danger of a stroke

What will happen if there is unavailability of nutrients?

Eventually the plant, animal or human would die.

What happen before everything important happen?

well i guess the things before the important things are important to.

What would happen if the pituitary glands stopped working?

there would be a serious disruption to the chemical messages that control many activities and nessecary functions within your body

Where do many earthquakes happen in a country?

it happens when the tectonic plates under the earth collide or push into each other to cause disruption so an earthquake would happen in a place were there is the edge of 2 tectonic plates underneath.