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Q: What will happen if all the planets moved next to each other?
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What would happen if the planets did not move in their fixed path?

If the planets did not move in their fixed orbits they may dash each other.

What would happen if there's is no gravity and inertia?

There would be no life because with out the planets and the sun pulling on each other they would spin out of control and possibly crash into each other.

What will happen if all the planets are same distance from the sun?

They would have banged into each other, split up, gone off in different directions and regrouped into planets with different orbits.

What happens when objects are moved further apart from each other?

One thing that could happen is that the force that acts between them decreases.

Why don't planets bump into each other?

because the gravatational pull from the sun and other planets keep the planets going in a circler motion and not bumping into each other.Answerbecause the gravatational pull from the sun and other planets keep the planets going in a circler motion and not bumping into each other. the planets each have defined Elliptical, not circular, orbits that remain constant because of gravitational pull of the sun and from each other. Pluto does have such an elliptical orbit that for a time it was closer than Neptune, but they will never collide with their current paths.

Are the sun and the planets attracted to each other?

Yes, the sun and planets are attracted to each other through the force of gravity. The sun's massive gravity keeps the planets in orbit around it, while the planets also have gravitational effects on each other.

Did the planets ever touch each other?

of course they did

What from the sun holds the planets in orbit?

The Sun AND its planets attract each other with gravitic force.

What would happen if planets did not move in a fixed orbit?

If planets did not move in a fixed orbit, their paths would become unpredictable and chaotic. This would likely result in collisions between planets or ejections from the solar system. Ultimately, the stability of the entire solar system would be compromised.

What name for Mechanical models of solar system in which planets can be moved at their relative velocities?

Orreries or planetariums are mechanical models of the solar system that can simulate the movement of planets relative to each other at their actual velocities. These models are often used to study and visualize the dynamics of the solar system.

Do planets have children?

No Moons that circle around the planets are their children. Mercury and Venus don't have any children because they hate each other and all the other planets are partnered.

Which two planets are farthest apart from each other?

Neptune and Mercury are the two planets farthest apart from each other in terms of distance in our solar system.