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Fire, cooking. Dissolving in any form if it separates the atoms of the molecule. It can also be effected by genetic and weather issues during its growing process.

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Q: What will cause a physical change to a tomato?
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How do you cause a physical change?

A physical change does not create a different chemical compound. Grinding a brick into a fine powder is a physical change. Freezing water is a physical change. Melting wax is a physical change.

Is bread toasted a physical or chemical change?

Physical cause it is still bread

Is a toast a chemical or physical change?


Is melting snow into water chemical or physical change?

physical, because there is no chemical reaction to cause the change. it's just heat.

Did a chemical change or a physical change cause in a crushed cans appearance?

this queston is stupid

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Is slicing tomato a physical change?

Yes, when slicing a tomato your are changing the items physical state, not its chemical makeup.

Is a green tomato turning red a chemical change?

nope!.. its physical change.. because its still a tomato...^^

Do you change the quemistry of the tomato by blending it?

No. Blending it is a physical change. The tomato changes how it looks but all of its properties stay the same.

Does evaporation cause a physical change or a chemical change?

It is physical change

Is slicing tomatoes a chemical change?

Picking tomatoes from a plant a physical change or chemical change

What is the scientifical meaning of force?

Force is the capacity to do work or cause physical change.The capacity to do work or cause physical change.

What types of changes occur if you were to slice a tomato?

Physical change as it is only changing its physical apparence, not the content of the object

How can you cause a physical change in a hamburger patty?

You can cause a physical change in a hamburger patty by adding salt.

What cause a physical change in food?

Handling of the food causes physical change in food.

Does adding vinegar to milk saw that milk so that the milk will curdle cause a physical change wilco don't cause a physical change?

This is a chemical change.

How do you cause a physical change?

A physical change does not create a different chemical compound. Grinding a brick into a fine powder is a physical change. Freezing water is a physical change. Melting wax is a physical change.

Will pouring vinegar on a tomato cause a physical change?

Putting it in a blender.