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This depends on what kind of acid is concerned:

for strong acid pH will be increased by (-log(8.0) = ) 0.90, but with a weak acid this will be only 0.46 (halved value)

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6d ago

If a solution with a pH of 2.32 is diluted 8 times, the resulting pH will increase. Each time the solution is diluted by a factor of 10, the pH will increase by 1. Since the solution is being diluted 8 times, the pH will increase by 3 (8 = 10^3). Therefore, the new pH will be 5.32.

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Q: What will be the pH if solution of pH 2.32 is diluted 8 times?
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When hydrochloric acid is diluted with water, the pH decreases. This is because the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution decreases as it becomes more diluted, leading to a lower pH value.

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When a strong acid is diluted, the concentration of hydronium ions (H3O+) decreases. Since pH is a measure of the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution, the pH increases as the solution becomes more dilute. This is because the pH scale is logarithmic, meaning that a decrease in concentration results in a greater increase in pH.

How many times a solution of pH 1 will be stronger than that of a solution having pH 2?

A solution with pH 1 is 10 times stronger (more acidic) than a solution with pH 2. This is because pH is measured on a logarithmic scale, with each unit representing a tenfold difference in concentration of hydrogen ions.

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No, a pH of 5 is ten times more acidic than a pH o6.

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No, a solution with a pH of 3 is 1000 times more acidic than a solution with a pH of 6. The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution and pH is determined by a logarithm, so each time pH is decreased by 1 the acidity increases tenfold.

If you took a solution of pH 5 and diluted it with water the pH number would be?

If you dilute a solution of pH 5 with water, the pH would increase. However, the exact pH value after dilution would depend on the initial concentration of the solution and the extent of dilution.

How does a solution with a pH of 2 compare to a solution with a pH of 1?

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