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Bromine has five 4p electrons.

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Q: What will be the effective nuclear charge of 4s electron of Br?
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What will be the effective nuclear charge on 4s electron of zinc on the basis of Slater's rule?

The effective nuclear charge on the 4s electron of zinc, according to Slater's rule, would be lower than the actual nuclear charge due to shielding effects from inner electrons. It would be less than +30 (the nuclear charge of zinc) since the 3d electrons partially shield the 4s electron from the full charge of the nucleus.

What is the effective nuclear charge experienced by calcium's valence electrons?

The effective nuclear charge experienced by calcium's valence electrons is approximately +2, since calcium has 20 protons in its nucleus and 18 core electrons shielding the valence electrons from the full nuclear charge.

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The electron configuration of zinc results in a filled d orbital, leading to increased electron-electron repulsions and a larger atomic radius compared to copper. This effect outweighs the increase in nuclear charge caused by the addition of one proton.

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The 4S's of communication are Shortness,Simplicity,Strength,Sincerity.

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When comparing the energy of an electron in the 3d sub-level to that of an electron in the 4s sublevel of the same atom?

They are both capable of holding a maximum of 10

What is the number of electrons in the in the outer shell of K plus?

K is potassium, and it is found in group I and period 4. It is an s block element. So, being in group I, this indicates it has ONE electron in the outer shell (4s).

Element with a 3- charge in the 4th energy?

An element with a 3- charge in the 4th energy would have a strong, stable nucleus with a strong nuclear force holding the protons and neutrons together. This element would also have a strong, repulsive electrostatic force between the protons in the nucleus and the electrons in the 4th energy level.

An element with 20 protons and 20 electrons gains one electron The electron goes into what type of orbital?

The extra electron would go into a 4s orbital because 4s can hold up to 2 electrons before 3d can be filled.

Is that 4s or 3d orbital to which an excited electron from 3p would first go?

An excited electron from the 3p orbital would most likely jump to the 4s orbital due to its lower energy level compared to the 3d orbital.

How many unpaired electrons does K have?

There is merely one unpaired electron in Potassium. The electron configuration of potassium is [Ar]4s^1. This means that potassium has all the electrons of argon, plus one more in the 4s orbital. All the electrons of argon are paired, so the one electron in the 4s orbital is the only unpaired electron.