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His weight will be 41% of what it is on Earth.

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4w ago

To calculate his weight on Mars, you would use the formula W = m * g, where W is the weight, m is the mass of the person, and g is the gravitational force on Mars (4 N/kg). If his mass is, for example, 70 kg, then his weight on Mars would be 280 N (70 kg * 4 N/kg).

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Q: What will be his weight if he travels to mars which has a gravitational force of 4 n kg?
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Does the gravitational force affect measuring the weight and mass of an object on earth and mars?

A different amount of gravitational force will change the weight, but not the mass.

What gravitational force does Mars have?

Mars has a gravitational force of 3.7m/s2.

Why your weight but not your mass would change if you landed on mars?

Your weight would change on Mars because gravity is weaker there compared to Earth. Weight is the force of gravity acting on an object, while mass is the amount of matter in an object and remains the same regardless of location. So, your mass would stay the same on Mars, but you would weigh less due to the weaker gravitational pull.

Does Mars have a gravitational force?

yesThe gravity on mars is not as strong as it is on earth.

How much is gravitational force on Mars?

The force of gravity on Mars is equal to 3.7m/s2. Mars's force of gravity is therefore 37.8% that of Earth's.

How much does Mars weigh in tons?

Weight is a force given by Isaac Newton's second law of motion, Force=Mass*Acceleration. The acceleration in this case would be from a gravitational field; therefore the planet of Mars does not weight anything unless it is within a gravitational field. There is not enough information in the question to deduce which gravitational field you are referring to. If you are going to post a question, please be more specific.

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Earth has.

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The weight of an object varies with the gravitational force acting on it. On Earth, the weight of an object is determined by the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) and the mass of the object. In different gravitational fields, such as on the Moon or Mars, the weight of the object would be different.

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Mars has a mass of 0.642x1024kg and a gravitational force of 3.7m/s2.

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Phobos experiences a stronger gravitational force from Mars compared to Deimos due to its closer proximity to the planet. The gravitational force acting on an object decreases with increasing distance from the source of the force, hence the closer moon Phobos feels a stronger pull from Mars.

Is there magnitude of the gravitational force on Mars?

Yes, it is about one third of that of the earth