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Q: What were the natural resources where the Inuits lived?
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What do Inuits use for natural resources?

the ocean the snow

What are the natural resources of Inuits?

ice the ocean because they get food from it

Did the Inuits have many resources?

Yes, the Inuits have many resources all around them.

Where the Inuits lived?

The Inuits live in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

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What tribes of natives lived in Alaska?

The Inuits lived in Alaska :}

What ethnicities of people live in Nunavut?

the Inuits lived there

What were the names of Native Americans that lived in Alaska?

Aleuts and Inuits.

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Why were the Inuits called the Inuits?

they are called Inuits because they lived by a town called Inuit vill.

How did the Inuits in nunavut live?

they lived in the forests and ate other human

What is the climate where the Inuits lived?

Cold, they usualy live in northern Canada.