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The five properties Mendeleev used in his table were Atomic Mass, chemical properties, valency (oxidation state), color, and density.

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Q: What were the five properties Medeleev used in his table?
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What is medeleev's prediction?

It's probably Mendeleev you're after. He came up with the first version of a Periodic Table of the elements, and used this to predict the properties of elements that hadn't been discovered at that time.

Why were the elements gallium scandium and germanium important to Medeleev?

Mendeleev used the properties of gallium, scandium, and germanium to predict their existence before they were discovered. Their discovery and properties helped confirm the accuracy of Mendeleev's periodic table and his periodic law. This further solidified Mendeleev's contributions to the development of the modern periodic table.

Who created the first version of the modern periodic table of elements and used it to predict undiscovered elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev

Who arranged the elements by atomic mass and used it to predict properties of missing elements?

Independently by Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer in 1869

What information did Mendeleev use to try to find a pattern in elements?

Mendeleev arranged elements based on their atomic weights and chemical properties. He noticed that when he arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight, certain properties repeated at regular intervals, leading to the development of the periodic table.

Can be used to easily compare properties of different elements?

The Periodic table

Which scientific method could be used to predict the properties of an element?

One scientific method that could be used to predict the properties of an element is the periodic table. By examining an element's position on the periodic table, one can make predictions about its atomic structure, reactivity, and physical properties based on trends and patterns observed among elements in the same group or period.

How could Mendeleevs table be used to predict the properties of elements that had not been discovered?

Mendeleev's periodic table allowed for the prediction of the properties of unknown elements by identifying gaps in the table where elements had not yet been discovered. By examining the properties of neighboring elements, Mendeleev was able to predict the properties of the missing elements and suggest their existence. His periodic table provided a framework for organizing elements based on their atomic mass and chemical properties, which allowed for the accurate prediction of the properties of undiscovered elements.

Why is the periodical table used?

So you can classify the elements into groups.

Who the father of the periodic table as well as used his table to predict the discovery and properties of elements?

This scientist is the Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev.

Why is there color used in the periodic table?

It is intended to help users see groups of elements with similar properties.

What are the five properties used to explain the behavior of sound waves?

The five properties used to explain the behavior of sound waves are frequency (pitch), amplitude (loudness), wavelength, speed, and direction. These properties help describe how sound waves travel and interact with different mediums.