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Q: What were the causes of the felling pit disaster?
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What caused the felling pit disaster?

an explosion

How many people died in the felling pit disaster?

121 people died

When did Felling mine disaster happen?

Felling mine disaster happened in 1812.

What was the colliery disaster?

The Felling mine disaster occurred when firedamp ignited and the resulting coal dust explosion sent a devastating blast throughout the mine and up its two mine shafts, the John pit and the William pit, named after the Brandling brothers who owned the colliery.

When did Minnie Pit Disaster happen?

Minnie Pit Disaster happened in 1918.

When did Springwell Pit Disaster happen?

Springwell Pit Disaster happened in 1872.

When did Astley Deep Pit Disaster happen?

Astley Deep Pit Disaster happened in 1874.

When did West Stanley Pit Disaster happen?

West Stanley Pit Disaster happened in 1909.

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Was there a pit disaster in grassmoor?

Yes, there was a pit disaster in Grassmoor in 1937 known as the Markham Colliery disaster. It resulted in the deaths of 79 miners.

Are human beings causes or victims of disaster?

cause of disaster

What are causes of disaster?

disruption in nature