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Successful states during Rome's republican period before Rome's expansion into Italy and the Mediterranean were the Etruscan city-states, Carthage, the kingdoms of Macedon and Epirus and various city-states in Greece, the kingdom of Pergamon and Bithynia in western Turkey, the kingdom of Pontus in north-western Turkey, the Greek Seleucid Empire (centred on Syria and which stretched from eastern Turkey to the Indus river in Pakistan and into central Asia and included Judea) and the Ptolemaic kingdom which ruled Egypt, eastern Libya, Cyprus and the eastern part of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. A successful state which was not conquered by the Romans was the Parthian Empire, the third of the four pre-Islamic Persian empires.

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Q: What were some successful states during the time of the roman republic?
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Was Augustus a typical Roman?

Augustus was not a typical Roman in that he rose to power through a series of political maneuvers rather than traditional military conquests. He also established the Roman Empire, transitioning Rome from a republic to an imperial system. Nonetheless, he sought to project an image of traditional Roman values and promoted the idea of restoring the Republic.

Was jugurtha black?

Jugurtha was a Numidian king who lived in North Africa during the Roman Republic. Numidians were of Berber descent; therefore, Jugurtha would have likely had a darker complexion. However, the concept of race as we understand it today did not exist in the same way during that time period.

Was Augustus an succsessful rul er?

Yes, Augustus was a successful ruler of the Roman Empire. He brought about a period of peace and stability known as the Pax Romana, reformed the government and military, and initiated many building projects that helped to enhance the Empire's infrastructure. His rule marked the beginning of the Roman Empire's transition from a republic to an imperial system.

What year did Augustus establish the Roman Empire?

Augustus did not establish the Roman Empire. The Roman Republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the republican period. What Augustus established was the period of rule by emperors which followed the Republic. Augustus effectively became the sole ruler of Rome in 30 B.C. when he won his civil war against Mark Antony. His absolute personal rule was formalised in 27 B.C. with the First Settlement with the senate.

What did the legastive body used to be called?

The legislative body in ancient Rome used to be called the Roman Senate. It was responsible for making laws and decisions that governed the Roman Republic. The Senate was made up of Roman aristocrats and served as an advisory council to the consuls, who were elected leaders of Rome.

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Who were the two officials who directed Roman government?

The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.

What do you call the highest officials in the roman republic?

During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.During the republic, the highest Roman officials were called the consuls. During the principate the highest Roman official was called "Caesar" by the Romans and "emperor" by us.

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The Roman Empire started during the Roman Republic, that is under a republican government. The Republic was then replaced by the absolute rule by emperors.

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During Caesar's lifetime Rome was still a republic.

What is the the difference between Republic and pax romana?

The Republic was a type of democracy (before the empire) and not very successful. The Pax Roman was a time of peace for the Roman empire because of good trade.

Were the provinces governed by a roman appointed ruler?

The Roman provinces were governed by appointed governors who were representatives of the Republic during the Roman Republic, and of the emperors during the rule by emperors. The were subordinate administrator, rather than rulers. During the Republic they were called proconsuls. During the rule by emperors they were celled either proconsuls or imperial legates.

Why did a group known as theologians arise during the Roman Empire rather than the Roman Republic?

i dont f***** know, i am the one asking this question

What are some characteristics of the law of roman republic during this period?

1.the roman republic had a legisletura that included a senate and two assemblies. 2.all citizens were not equalin the roman republic. 3.another idea firmly established in the roman republic was the rule of law.

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There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.There was no Roman emperor during the war with Carthage. At that time the Roman government was the republic.

What did Sulla do for a living?

Sulla was a military and political leader during the Roman Republic. He first came to prominence during the Jugurthine War, when he served under Marius. Successful military campaigns provided huge incomes for their commanders.

The Roman government was led by two?

During the Republic, the Roman government was led by two counsuls.

Why was the Roman Republic successful in expanding its borders?

The Roman Republic was successful at expanding its borders for many reasons. One of those reasons is that unlike most other "civilized" nations, city-states,etc...,the roman army did not use a phalanx formation. The roman legion was much more flexible, and much faster. It was also very successful because it was very advanced for its time.