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Q: What weak substance does carbon dissolve into in rainwater?
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What kind of carbon dissolves in rainwater?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most common form of carbon that dissolves in rainwater. When CO2 from the atmosphere combines with rainwater, it forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), which is responsible for the mildly acidic nature of rain. This dissolved carbon in rainwater can then be utilized by plants for photosynthesis or can react with minerals in soil and water bodies.

What natural acid dissolve calcite?

Carbonic acid is a natural acid that can dissolve calcite. It forms when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dissolves in rainwater or groundwater, creating a weak acid that can slowly dissolve minerals like calcite.

How can you say that rainwater is chemical weatherings?

Because rainwater dissolves carbon dioxide to produce carbonic acid - a weak acid - but over geological time it can dissolve various types of rock like limestone and thus weather it.

Is rainwater weak acid?

Yes, when the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water, it produces a weak acid known as Carbonic acid.

What kind of weak acid is created when rainwater collects carbon dioxide from the soil?

Carbonic acid.

What substance in rainwater makes it so limestone weather easier than sandstone?

Carbon dioxide dissolved in rain water forms a weak acid which slowly weathers limestone, a carbonate which reacts with acids.

What is formed as rainwater reacts with carbon dioxide in the soil?

When rainwater reacts with carbon dioxide in the soil, it forms carbonic acid. This weak acid can further contribute to the weathering of rocks and minerals in the soil.

Why is rain water naturally acidic?

Rainwater is slightly acidic because the CO2 in the atmosphere is soluble in water (the water in the air). When in solution CO2 forms a weak acid (Carbonic acid) which makes pure rainwater a weak acid.

What mixes with water to form a weak acid?

Carbon dioxide mixes with water to form carbonic acid, which is a weak acid. This reaction is important in the natural carbon cycle and occurs when carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater or seawater.

Why the normal pH of rainwater is acidic?

Rainwater is normally acidic because the carbon dioxide in the air which mixes with rainwater to form weak acid. That's why its acidic ^_^ Rainwater is also because of the pollutions in the air and it mixes with the water so its not good. meee!

Is chalk powder completely dissolve able in water?

No, chalk isn't completely dissolvable in water. When you mix them, you've only made a mixture. At times, it is dissolvable in rainwater though, because rainwater is often a super weak acid

What five sources of chemical weathering?

Water: Water can dissolve minerals in rocks, leading to their breakdown through processes like hydration and hydrolysis. Oxygen: Oxygen can react with minerals in rocks, causing them to oxidize and break down. Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can dissolve in rainwater, forming a weak acid that can dissolve minerals in rocks. Organic acids: Organic acids produced by decaying plant material can chemically weather rocks by breaking down minerals. Acids from pollution: Acid rain, caused by pollutants in the atmosphere, can accelerate chemical weathering by increasing the acidity of rainwater.