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It is difficult to determine the smallest forest fire on record as they can vary widely in size. Some forest fires are so small that they may not be officially recorded or reported.

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Are forest fires in the US common?

Forest fires can happen anywhere

When did Oh No Forest Fires end?

Oh No Forest Fires ended in 2010.

When was Oh No Forest Fires created?

Oh No Forest Fires was created in 2007.

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What is endangering the forest?

forest fires and lumbering

What are the top states where forest fires occur?

Texas had over 50 forest fires in 2010

How do forest fires get there names?

from fires in the forests! lol

How do people contribute to forest fires?

People can contribute to forest fires by accidentally starting them through activities like campfires, discarded cigarettes, or burning debris. Neglecting to properly extinguish campfires or engaging in activities that produce sparks or flames in dry conditions can also lead to forest fires. Additionally, illegal activities like arson and fireworks can also contribute to forest fires.

Which president helped put out forest fires?

President Theodore Roosevelt played a significant role in forest conservation and wildfire prevention. He recognized the importance of managing forests and establishing the United States Forest Service, which helped to prevent and suppress forest fires. His efforts laid the foundation for modern forest management practices in the US.

Why should your friend know about forest fires?

Because the more he knows about forest fires the more likely he is to avoid and survive a forest fire.

What is the greatest threat to Canadian forest?

forest fires

When do forest fires happen?

When a fire is out of control in a forest.