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Whilst there was some warning, there was insufficient warning for all the people to get away. Many did not believe there would be a major eruption because Krakatoa/ Krakatau had lain dormant for 200 years. The northern two-thirds of the island was completely decimated by the explosion. This was followed by the collapse of the unsupported volcanic chambers which formed the huge underwater caldera. The explosion, together with the collapse of the volcano, generated gigantic tsunami waves, some reaching 40m in height above sea level. These caused great destruction, wiping out hundreds of villages and towns along the nearby coasts of Java and Sumatra, and killing over 36,000 people. The waves were so huge and powerful that the steamship Berouw was carried 3km inland and deposited 10m above sea level, killing its 28 crew.

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3w ago

The major cause of death from the eruption of Mount Krakatoa in 1883 was the tsunamis generated by the collapse of the caldera after the eruption, which caused massive coastal flooding and destruction. The tsunamis reached heights up to 130 feet and claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people in the surrounding areas.

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9y ago

Most of the deaths from the 1883 eruption were caused by huge tsunamis that devastated nearby coastal areas. Several thousand people were also killed by pyroclastic flows, fast-moving clouds of burning hot ash that move along the surface.

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12y ago

The major cause of death in the 1883 eruption of mount Krakatoa was ash clouds, and deadl gases that were released into the air. :D

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Krakatoa erupted August 27, 1883. But it did erupt many more times after that.Also onMay 20 , 1883On August 26, 1883. It erupted 5:30am, 6:42am, 8:20am and 10:02am local time.Krakatoa last major eruption was in 1883 but there have been smaller eruptions since then.

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Krakatoa is classified as a volcanic island and part of the Sunda Strait in Indonesia. It is famous for its explosive volcanic eruptions, including the catastrophic 1883 eruption that caused major devastation in the region.

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When was Krakatoa discovered?

No one found Krakatoa. It has been there before mankind. Krakatoa is an explosive volcano in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra in the East Indian archipelago. It is infamous for its eruption in the late nineteenth century, which killed many people and 'darkened' the Earth for a number of years owing to the mass of ejected material that went into the sky.

What is the Krakatoa volcano like now?

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What Major Cities are close to Krakatoa?

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