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Q: What was the equipment on the project mercury?
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Was John Glenn in Project Gemini or Project Mercury?

He was in Project Mercury.

When was Project Mercury created?

Project Mercury was created in 1959.

Did project mercury land on mercury?

what do you think.. Yes. Project mercury did land on mercury... False. Project Mercury was a mission to put a man into orbit, not a planetary probe.; no craft, probe or anything associated with this mission went to Mercury, orbited Mercury or did anything involving Mercury.

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What were the project objectives of NASA's Project Mercury?


What is the US space project that gathered data on the basics o space flight?

Project Mercury.

What were the names of the 2 projects before project Apollo?

The two projects before project Apollo were Project Mercury and Project Gemini. Project Mercury was the first human spaceflight program in the United States, while Project Gemini was the second program that focused on developing space travel techniques to prepare for the Apollo missions to the moon.

What was the name of the NASA project following project Mercury?

The NASA project following Project Mercury was called Project Gemini. It served as a bridge between Mercury and Apollo, testing new technologies and techniques needed for the later moon-landing missions.

Was the Mercury Project a success?

Yes and no.

When did project mercury end?


Why is Project mercury called project mercury?

The project's name had nothing to do with the planet Mercury. At the time, the United States was in a race with the Soviet Union to put a man into space orbit first; Mercury is the Roman God most often associated with speed, and speed was the impetus for the competition.

What is the outline data from project mercury?