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Q: What was the death toll of the Mt Etna eruption 1928?
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What is the total death toll for Mt Etna?

Well the question needs to be a bit more precise because Mount Etna has erupted many times and killed no doubt millions of people but I do know that the death toll in the eruption of 1669 (which is Mount Etna's biggest eruption) is 17,000. Hope this helped :)

What was the death toll for mt Etna 2012?

There were no reported fatalities from the eruption of Mount Etna in 2012. However, there were some injuries and the eruption did cause disruptions to air travel in the region.

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The death toll of the 2007 Kelud eruption in Indonesia was six people.

What is the total death toll for Mt Etna in 2001?

8 quadrillion

How many people died when Mount Etna erupted in 1669?

Mount Etna's eruption in 1669 was first reported to cause the death of near 17,000 people and letting 27,000 homeless. However, later studies revealed that there have only been 77 confirmed human deaths directly related to Mt. Etna over the years. The former reports can be assumed to be a confusion, made by the news media, with the earthquake that took place in southeast Sicily, in 1693.

What was the death toll of mt vesuvius's eruption?

Around 10,000 bodies from the august th 79 AD eruption

What was the death toll for mt etnas 1992 eruption?

The 1992 eruption of Mount Etna did not result in any direct casualties. The eruption primarily caused damage to property and infrastructure in the surrounding areas, but there were no reported deaths.

What is the total death toll for Krakatoa?

The total death toll from the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was estimated to be around 36,000 people. This included deaths from the initial eruption, tsunamis triggered by the eruption, and the aftermath of the disaster.

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57 36 dead and 21 missing

How many people died in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?

Probably more than 16000, but the overall death toll is unknown.

Who many people dies in the Krakatoa eruption?

Around 36,000 people were killed as a result of the Krakatoa eruption in 1883. The eruption also caused massive tsunamis, which contributed to the high death toll.

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The 1995 eruption of Soufriere Hills volcano in Montserrat resulted in 19 deaths. It was a small eruption, but it triggered a larger and more destructive eruption that occurred in 1997, causing further devastation and loss of life.