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Bohr predicted that electrons would orbit the nucleus much like the planets orbit the sun. This is not quite true, however, as electrons are found in the electron cloud, and do not have a specific position until they are observed.
his professor Rutherford knew electrons went on the outer shells. he developed the theory that electrons can move to different levels closer or farther from the nucleus.

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Niels Bohr's prediction was that electrons orbit around the nucleus of an atom in specific energy levels or orbits, rather than moving randomly. He proposed that electrons could only occupy certain discrete energy levels, and that they emit or absorb energy when moving between these levels. This model became known as the Bohr model of the atom.

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Q: What was neil bohrs prediction about the location of electrons in the atom?
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What is Bohrs model an atom?

Bohr's model of the atom, proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913, described the atom as having electrons orbiting the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells. It introduced the concept of quantized energy levels and laid the foundation for understanding atomic structure.

According to Bohr's model of the atom what do electrons oxygen bohrs like?

In Bohr's model, electrons in an oxygen atom occupy specific quantized energy levels called shells. Oxygen has two electrons in its innermost shell (K shell) and six electrons in its second shell (L shell). These electrons are arranged in a way that follows the principle of filling the lowest energy levels first before moving to higher ones.

Where is the location of electrons?

The electron can either be by itself outside of an atom, or can be in an atom in a series of energy 'shells' outside of the nucleus.

What is the electrons location?

Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom. The exact location of a specific electron, however, can not be known for certain. The general area where the electron might be found is in its orbital.

What model of the atom says that the location of electrons cannot be accurately determined with any certainty at any time?

This is the quantum model of the atom.

How are emissions of radiation from an atom explained by Bohrs model?

Electrons absorb energy to make electrons move from an lower energy level to a higher energy level. This energy is released as some form of e-m radiation when the electron moves from the higher level to a lower energy level.

what did bohrs model of the atom include that rutherfords model did not have?

Niels Bohr introduced the notion of electronic orbits.