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Q: What was maria once believed to be by Galileo?
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Why did Galileo use the Latin word 'Maria' to descibe the vast lakes of harded lava he saw on the moon?

Galileo used the Latin word 'Maria' to describe the vast lakes of hardened lava he saw on the moon because 'Maria' means 'seas' in Latin. Although these features are not actual bodies of water, they resemble the appearance of large, dark, smooth plains or seas when observed from Earth.

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Galileo oldest daughter was named Maria Celeste Galilei

Is Galileo a star?

No, Galileo was a famous Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer known for his contributions to the scientific revolution. He is not a star in the astronomical sense.

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Maria Celeste

What was Galileo's belief?

Galileo believed in the truth of the copernican theory, which stated that the sun was the center of the universe.

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he believed in the truth of observation & reason

What feature of the moon did Galileo identify?

Galileo correctly inferred that some of the light-colored features he saw on the moons surface were highlands, or mountains.(:

In what sense are the lunar maria seas?

The lunar maria are not actual seas but rather large, dark plains on the Moon's surface. They are volcanic basins filled with solidified lava flows from ancient volcanic activity. The term "maria" means seas in Latin, as early astronomers mistakenly believed these dark areas were bodies of water.

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Who was a great science leader?

My nod goes to Galileo - he died for what he believed in.