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I happen to know the answer as I am a railroad buff. Railroad scheduling in the four time zones.

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5d ago

American lawmakers adopted a standard time zone to improve efficiency in transportation and communication, particularly with the increasing popularity of railroads. Standard time zones helped synchronize schedules and operations across different regions, making travel and trade more practical and organized.

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Q: What was a major reason why American lawmakers adopted a standard time zone?
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Where and why were standard time zones first adopted?

Standard time zones were first adopted during the 19th century at the International Meridian Conference in 1884 in Washington D.C. The primary reason for adopting standard time zones was to establish a consistent way to schedule transportation and communication across long distances, as well as to simplify timekeeping for businesses and governments at the local and global levels.

Which system is more logic metric or standard?

The metric system is considered more logical than the standard system because it is based on powers of 10 which makes conversions between units easier. The metric system also has a standardized set of prefixes that denote multiples of 10 which simplifies calculations.

What are volts in a house?

The question is vague; the reason, probably why many did not offer an answer.Not vague - just a typical science student's electrical homework or exam question!120 volts and 240 volts at 60 Hz alternating current is used in USA, Canada and many other countries which have adopted that system as their national service standard.230 volts at 50 Hz alternating current is mostly used in countries in Europe and many other countries which have adopted that system as their national service standard.For more information please see the answers to the Related Questions shown below.power company's 4,160 VAC primary voltage

What was the main reason multiculturalism's evident to the American south west?

The main reason multiculturalism is evident in the American Southwest is due to the region's historical ties to Mexico and Spanish colonization. The blending of Native American, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo influences over centuries has created a diverse cultural landscape in this region. Economic factors like agriculture, mining, and trade have also attracted immigrants from various backgrounds, further enriching the multicultural fabric of the Southwest.

Do we need Mercury?

Do you mean as an industrial agent, or as some kind of nutrient? Mercury is very toxic and should not be ingested for any reason. The primary useful role for mercury is that it is the only metal that is a liquid at standard temperature and pressure.

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What is the major reason lawmakers vote along party lines?

A. are influenced by PACs

The major reason lawmakers vote along party lines is that they what?

The have similar beliefs about public policy.

Which system is more logic metric or standard?

The metric system is considered more logical than the standard system because it is based on powers of 10 which makes conversions between units easier. The metric system also has a standardized set of prefixes that denote multiples of 10 which simplifies calculations.

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mostly some do but not all are adopted for the same reason

What reasons will the judge allow the father to give up paternity rights?

Main reason: the child is being legally adopted by another responsible adult.Main reason: the child is being legally adopted by another responsible adult.Main reason: the child is being legally adopted by another responsible adult.Main reason: the child is being legally adopted by another responsible adult.

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For the same reason that any child is adopted by loving parents: the child needed a home and the parents wanted a child.

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because it just does,its the same reason why you do because your adopted....

What does DQT mean in swimming?

DQ T = disqualified Turn. see belowset of standard abbreviations defining reason for disqualification which have been adopted by the European Swimming Writers.Whenever a competitor is disqualified the reason is reported against the swimmers name using the following set of codes.TurnTFinishFIArmsAStrokeS----->Head PositionHLegsLStartSTTakeoverOEarly StartStroke ChangeMAppeal MadeAAppeal DisallowedXFoulingFONo AppealWrong LaneLMisconductMEquipmentE

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In a legislative meeting in August of 1974, Florida State Legislators & lawmakers held a governmental meeting where those lawmakers at that time,were trying to come up with a nickname for, "Florida." All of those lawmakers decided to use, "The Sunshine State." The reason being, because the U.S. State of Florida receive more sunlight than any other state in the Contiguous United States of America, excluding the Hawaiian Islands & Alaska, as well as Puerto Rico.

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The Bill of Rights was adopted for many reasons, including to protect the rights and liberties of the states from abuse of power by the newly created government

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Almost certainly. The name cotton, for some reason, is often adopted by jews.

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