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Q: What was The Italian who first used a telescope to study astronomy born in the same year as Shakespeare?
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Who was the first person to use the telescope in astronomy?


Who was the first to use a telescope for the purpose of astronomy?

Galileo !

Who was the first person to look at stars with a telescope?

While not the inventor of the telescope, Galileo is widely believed to be the first person to use a telescope for astronomy.

Who was The first scientist to use telescope in astronomy?

Galileo Galilei.

Who was the scientist who first used a telescope to study astronomy?


What year did Galileo galilei introduce the first telescope to astronomy?

Galileo Galilei first used the "new" telescope in 1609

Galileo was the first to use what instrument in his line of work?

Galileo was the first to use a telescope in his work, which revolutionized astronomy by allowing him to observe celestial bodies in more detail than ever before. His observations through the telescope supported the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus.

Who invented the first teloscope?

The first telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey, a Dutch eyeglass maker, in 1608. However, it's worth noting that Galileo Galilei was the first to use a telescope for astronomy observations.

How long did it take Galileo to make the first telescope?

Galileo created his first telescope in around two months in 1609. It was a refracting telescope with a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece. This instrument revolutionized astronomy and allowed Galileo to make groundbreaking astronomical observations.

Which tool first it possible to study stars and planets?

My dear friends its the telescope! That was the first instrument (tool) to use to study space and astronomy. For your information.. ( FYI) Galileo was the first man to invent and use the telescope. By the way I'm in the 5th grade but we learn a lot of good astronomy stuff in class. I'm pretty smart

Who was the first man to use the telescope to find the mountains on the moon?

It was the Italian Galileo.

Which scientist used a telescope in astronomy?

Hundreds of them. Who was first? Probably Galileo. We have no record of anyone point his new telescope at the skies before him. Probably SOMEBODY did; the telescope had been invented 5 years or so before Galileo got his first one, but nobody wrote about it.