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This depends on the dilution ratio.

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Q: What volume of the stock solution (Part A) would contain the number of moles present in the diluted solution (Part B)?
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What volume of the stock solution (Part A) would contain the number of moles present in the diluted solution (Part B)?

This depends on the dilution ratio.

When a solution is diluted does it change the number of moles dissolved?

The number of moles of a solute will not change as a solution is diluted, however, the concentration of the solute will decrease. If you were to evaporate the water from the diluted solution, you would have the same number of moles of solute as when you started. You can test this by comparing the mass of the solute before producing the solution to the mass of the solute after the solution was diluted. The two masses should be the same.

What property of a solution remains the same after it is diluted?

The number of moles of solute will not change. Too, the molarity of the solution decreases.

What is the difference in conductivity of concentrated and diluted acetic acid?

Concentrated acetic acid has a higher conductivity compared to diluted acetic acid. This is because the concentration of ions in the solution is higher in concentrated acetic acid, leading to better electrical conductivity. Diluting the acetic acid reduces the number of ions present, resulting in lower conductivity.

Looking for the corrosive solution containing the element number 8?

The element with atomic number 8 is oxygen; a bigger challenge would be to find a corrosive solution that does not contain it, since it's present in most acids and all hydroxides.

What is the molarity of a solution prepared when 75.0 ml of a 4.00 m kcl solution is diluted to a volume of 0.500 l?

The number of moles of KCl from the original solution is calculated as: (75.0 ml * 4.00 mol/L) / 1000 = 0.300 mol. When diluted to 0.500 L, the new molarity is: 0.300 mol / 0.500 L = 0.600 M.

Does pH measure the total number of acid molecules in a solution?

pH measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, which indicates its acidity or alkalinity. It does not directly measure the total number of acid molecules present in the solution.

How many grams of KI are in 25.0ml of a 3.0 (mv) KI solution?

To calculate the grams of KI in the solution, you need to first convert the 25.0 ml to grams using the density of the solution. Then, use the molarity (3.0 M) of KI to find the number of moles in the solution. Finally, use the molar mass of KI (166 g/mol) to convert moles to grams.

What is what is produced by meiosis?

Cells that contain half of the number of chromosomes present in the parent cell.

If an equation has a negative number is the solution acidic?

No, having a negative number in an equation does not necessarily mean the solution is acidic. The acidity or basicity of a solution is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions (OH-) present, not by the sign of a number in an equation.

What would happen if ph5 was diluted by water?

The ph is a measure of the H+ve ion in the solution, the lesser the ph number means higher acidic the solution is where as the higher ph number means more of basic solution. If you add water to a solution with ph5 it will be introduced with more oh OH-ve ion which will make it first neutral(ph=7) or even basic in nature.

How do solutions dilute?

Solutions get diluted whenever there is an increase on volume but the number of moles of your substance remains the same. Eg: if I have 1 mole of NaCl in 1000ml, then I add 1000ml of water, then net volume is 2000ml but the number of moles of NaCl present is still 1 so the conc went from 1 mol/L to 0.5 mol/L. It was diluted!