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Unfortunately for smokers, there are no vitamins-or anything else for that matter!-capable of removing the tar from inhaled cigarette smoke from the lungs. Once it's in there, it's pretty much there to stay. This is why smoking is so detrimental to health. Each puff of a cigarette adds another layer of carcinogenic tar onto the lungs sensitive tissue, making it harder for the underlying alveoli-sacs to perform their task of absorbing oxygen and excreting carbon dioxide.

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4mo ago

There is no specific vitamin that can clean out your lungs of tar. However, antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E can help protect your lungs from oxidative damage caused by exposure to tar and other pollutants. It's important to quit smoking and prioritize a healthy diet to support lung health.

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Why does smoking affect the lungs?

Cigarettes contain many harmful ingredients and toxins in them. When you smoke, you are breathing in everything that the cigarette contains. Smoke from cigarettes has tar in it, and that tar sticks to your lungs. The important part of the lungs that cleans out dirt are damaged, even if you're just getting second hand smoke. Another answer: The chemicals in the cigarette such as nicotine and tar, starts to fill up your alveoli, because of these chemicals in your alveoli, they start to pop. The popping of your alveoli results in a shortage of oxygen for your body to function.

What is the sticky substance that forms when tobacco is burned?

The sticky substance that forms when tobacco is burned is called tar. It is a dark, thick residue that can accumulate in the lungs and contribute to various health issues, such as respiratory problems and lung cancer.

Does tar absorb heat?

Yes, tar can absorb heat because it is a dark material that is able to absorb and store heat from the sun. This property makes tar commonly used in road construction as it can help in warming up roads and melting snow and ice.

What are tar carbon monoxide and nicotine?

Tar is a sticky substance in tobacco smoke that can damage the lungs. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas in tobacco smoke that reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen. Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant found in tobacco that increases heart rate and raises blood pressure.

Is sacrin made from tar?

No, saccharin is not made from tar. Saccharin is a sweetening agent that is derived from benzoic sulfimide, not tar.

Related questions

What is tar in nasal mucus?

Chronic smokers have tar built up in their lungs. The lungs try to clean pieces of tar out, so when you cough or sneeze pieces of tar come out of your lungs.

Does smoking affect your lungs?

You lungs will slowly clean themselves of tar, you breathing will improve and you may avoid getting smoking related diseases such as cancer.

What does tar do 2 your body?

tar provents black stuff on you lungs

How can Tar effect your body?

tar makes your lungs go bad

How do you get rid of tar in arteries?

There is no tar in arteries, just in lungs. (From smoking).

Why does smoking harm the respiration system?

It causes tar buildup in the lungs. it destroys the cilia which help with cleaning the lungs. and it destroys the alveoli, which makes it hard to breath.

How does tar in cigarettes get on your lungs?

your lungs. quit smoking.. very bad for you.

Why do cigerettes cause lung cancer?

your lungs have little tentical looking thingys in them that keep your lungs clean. these make you cough and get all the dust out of yr lungs. the tar from the smoke gets caught on these little things and sticks. it causes cancer, your lungs cant get it off

Does tar block the lungs or make it hard to breathe?

Tar does indeed block the lungs and can make it very difficult to breathe. This is a substance that is not supposed to be there.

Are there supplements to remove cigarette tar from lungs?


Tar deposits cover the of the lungs?


What is the chemical found in cigarettes that blackens lungs?

Tar is the chemical found in cigarettes that blackens the lungs. Tar is a sticky substance that is released when tobacco is burned, and it contains various harmful chemicals that can cause damage to the lungs over time.