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Peanuts contain vitamin E

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Peanuts are high in various vitamins, including vitamin E, niacin (vitamin B3), folate (vitamin B9), and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). These vitamins play essential roles in supporting overall health and vitality. Peanuts can be a nutritious addition to your diet when consumed in moderation.

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Are peanuts full of protein or carbohydrate?

Peanuts are an excellent source of protein. They are a low GI food which provides a sustained release of energy. Peanuts are also an excellent source of Vitamin E and magnesium and also have useful amounts of B Vitamins including folate, thiamine and riboflavin.

Is peanut an acid forming food?

No, peanuts are actually considered an alkaline-forming food because they have a relatively high pH level. This means that they are less likely to create an acidic environment in the body when metabolized.

What does peanut mean?

-noun 1. the pod or the enclosed edible seed of the plant, Arachis hypogaea, of the legume family: the pod is forced underground in growing, where it ripens. 2. the plant itself. 3. any small or insignificant person or thing. 4. peanuts, a. Informal. a very small amount of money: working for peanuts. b. Slang. barbiturates. c. small pieces of Styrofoam used as a packing material. -adjective 5. of or pertaining to the peanut or peanuts. 6. made with or from peanuts. 7. Informal. small, insignificant, or petty.---- Origin:1790-1800, Americanism; pea 1 + nut

Why is peanut is called food of the brain?

Boosts memory powerDo you know what can be found in peanuts that gave them the "brain food" tag? This is due to their vitamin B3 or niacin content whose many health benefits include normal brain functioning and boosting memory power.

The best food sources for water- soluble vitamins are?

Fruits and vegetables are some of the best food sources for water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and certain B vitamins. Citrus fruits, bell peppers, leafy greens, and berries are particularly high in these vitamins. Additionally, fortified cereals and whole grains can also be good sources of certain B vitamins.

Related questions

What if someone eats peanuts all day is that bad?

peanuts are good for you if thy are unsalted. They are a great source of good fats, vitamins and minerals, just don't eat so much because they are high in calories.

What is the nutrition of a peanut?

Peanuts are a great, inexpensive source of protein. They're the second highest source of pantothenic acid. They're high in B vitamins, vitamin E, and iron. The benefits of peanuts: Strengthens Kidneys Food Allergens Increase milk supply of nursing mothers Reduce pitta

What acids are in peanuts?

Peanuts are high in purines that turn into uric acid in the body.

How do you unsalt peanuts for hamster?

You can't "unsalt" peanuts. Just buy raw, unsalted peanuts at a bulk store. Don't feed these to often as they are high in fat.

How widely available are Shaklee vitamins on the high street?

Shaklee vitamins are widely available on the high street. Shaklee vitamins are manufactured by Shaklee Corporation which is known as a leading company for selling vitamins in the US.

Are peanuts good for one's health?

Peanuts are a very healthy food, with a high protein value, healthy oils, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Some studies have suggested they are good for preventing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Some people are allergic to peanuts, however, and peanuts are susceptible to tainting by salmonella. They are also more susceptible than most other foods to aflatoxins, which are carcinogenic molds which can also cause symptoms of food poisoning. See the related links section below for more information.

Can hamsters eat peanuts?

yes hamsters can eat peanuts. It is their favorite food! :)

You are fati am on diet can you eat peanuts.?

yes offcourse you can have peanuts....but not any kind of peanut butter or cream..... peanuts contain high fat.... but peanut butter and peanut cream contains proteins and also high amount of fat...

Where can I find vitamins for high blood pressure and what types are there?

You could simply visit for a website that has the vitamins listed. This should fufill your question.

Are peanuts good for high blood pressure?

Yes of course Nuts, seeds, dried beans, almonds, walnuts, peanuts,dried beans, lentils are the nutrition which controls high BP.

How much peanuts can hamsters eat?

Hamsters can eat peanuts as an occasional treat in small quantities. It is recommended to limit the amount of peanuts given to hamsters due to their high fat content, which can lead to obesity and other health issues. One or two peanuts per week is generally considered a safe amount for hamsters to consume.

Are peanuts full of protein or carbohydrate?

Peanuts are an excellent source of protein. They are a low GI food which provides a sustained release of energy. Peanuts are also an excellent source of Vitamin E and magnesium and also have useful amounts of B Vitamins including folate, thiamine and riboflavin.