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Q: What university did isaac newton go to and what did he study?
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When did Sir Isaac Newton go to university?

1661 when he was 18

Where did Isaac newton go to collge?

Cambridge University in England

Where did Isaac Newton go collage?

he went to college at cambrigd University

What University did Isaac Newton go to?

Isaac Newton attended Cambridge University in England.Isaac Newton went to Cambridge University.

How did Isaac Newton study?

Isaac Newton studied Motion and the laws of motion and gravity, space, the stars, math , he created calculous. tip go to and type in your question.

Did isaac newton go to jail?

no he did not

Where did Isaac newton go to college?

Isaac newton went to Trinity College, Cambridge (M.A., 1668)

Did Sir Isaac Newton go to school?


What did Isaac Newton think about his mom getting remarried?

"You go gurl!" ;)

Is sir isaac newton a brainieac?

lets go with an intelligent mind

When did isaac newton go to town school in woolsthorpe?

October 1659

How did Isaac Newton become a astronomer?

He wanted to go and look at space