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Depends on where the vehicle is sold. A car intended for a market where miles are used will show miles and maybe tenth of miles(for the trip odo). A car intended for a market that uses the metric system will show kilometers and tenths of kilometers(for the trip odo). Modern cars with digital displays can often be easily reset from one to the other.

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Q: What units are used using a odometer to measure distance?
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It is a measure of length or distance, using the old Imperial units.

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Force can be measured using a dynamometer or force sensor, which typically measures in units of Newtons. Distance can be measured using tools such as rulers, tape measures, or laser distance meters, with units typically in meters or centimeters. Multiplying force by distance gives work, a measure of energy transfer.

What is a sentence using the word odometer in it?

Plan to use the vehicle odometer to keep track of distance traveled.

How to measure length?

An odometer measures distance traveled by a wheeled vehicle. There are various tools, mostly optical or electronic such as radar, that measure distance from a fixed point. A ruler is often used to measure distance on a map, converting the measurement to the scale found on the map legend.

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by using watts

Definition of linear dimension?

For example, on a number line (which is one dimensional object), we measure the distance of two points in units. For example, the distance between 2 and 4 is 2 units. Any nth side of a polygon, can be measured by using linear units, such as cm, in., ft, km, etc. The circumference of a circle, the length of an arc, also are measured by linear units. A unit that is used to measure the distance between two points, is called linear dimension.

I would like to know what kind of distance does the calculator measure?

The distance calculator works by using the Global Positioning System to calculate the distance between two positions on the earth. The calculator can measure in yards but there are different calculators and calculators with different settings that have different measuring units.

How do you measure length?

You measure length in many ways: using a ruler or yardstick, using a string or tape measure, using a machine to drive or fly over a distance, or using a satellite. Length is measured in units such as centimeters, meters, kilometers, or inches, yards and miles.

Why cubic units are used to measure volume instead of linear units or square units?

We measure length in one direction using standard units. Whether it's feet, meters or light years, it's 1-dimensional. Area is a 2-dimentional concept. It's the distance in one direction and the distance in another direction. Distance times distance is the units times the units, or units squared (units2). We see square centimeters, square feet, or square kilometers as well as other units used to measure this 2-dimentional characteristic. Volume is defined as the amount of space something takes up. Space is a 3-dimensional concept, so a 3-dimensional units are required. You've already guessed that's where cubic inches, cubic centimeters or cubic kilometers (units3) is used to measure this 3-dimentional characteristic.

Why do you need to measure physical quantities and express them using the appropriate units?

to know what is the measure

What is 1 pedometer?

A pedometer is a device that counts the number of steps a person takes by detecting motion using a sensor. It is often used to measure physical activity and track daily step counts to promote health and fitness goals.

What do you measure using units called hertz?

wave frequency.