Distances within the solar system are usually reported in kilometers or AUs.
1 AU = average distance of Earth from the Sun, about 150 million kilometers (149,597,871 km).
For measuring large distance, mainly the unit "parsec" is used, which is "parallax per second". A parsec is about 3.26 light years. For smaller distances, the unit "light years" is used. It is the distance travelled by light in one year. In common publications for the public, the "light years" term is much more frequently used, because the population has become used to it, and grasps the basic concept behind it pretty well. But amongst themselves, astronomers use the "parsec" unit much more commonly.
Senior is usually abbreviated to 'Sr.'
Millimeter wavelengths are short frequency radio waves astronomers use because they can see gases and other phenomena not visible in visible light. MM wavelengths are usually used where the air is dry so water vapor can't scatter the waves.
IN.*This is the same as Indiana. So when the abbreviation is used for a city, it would have to be clear which is meant. So India is usually only abbreviated when the city and Indian state is provided.
I've seen country abbreviated as "ctry" and "cntry" on things such as transparency worksheets on the overheads in middle school. If you are trying to use this for a college assignment, I wouldn't recommend it. I agree with whoever wrote the previous answer: I believe this is abbreviated out of laziness (or possibly when there's not room for the word in length on something, such as a chart), not because it's proper English. ~ I don't think there is one. =================== I sometimes see the word 'country' abbreviated as 'co.' However, I believe that this is an error and that there is no abbreviation for 'country.' I suspect the attempt to abbreviate 'country' is simply a sign of laziness. The word 'County' is often abbreviated as 'Co.' when it is part of a county's name. The word 'Company' is also often abbreviated as 'Co.' when it is part of a business name. (Note the capitalization of the proper nouns and their abbreviations.)
The greatest common factor (usually abbreviated GCF) of 15, 35, and 20, is 5.
Usually light-years, or parsecs.
It depends on what you are trying to measure. Long distances usually are measured in miles. Survey distances usually are measured in feet.
The unit used is usually the Astronomical Unit (AU), which is the average distance from the earth to the sun, and is approx 150 million km.
Usually Miles or Kilometers
I have usually seen them quoted in kilometers.
Mark is usually not abbreviated, but can be abbreviated as Mk.
Millimeters are typically used to measure very small distances, such as the thickness of paper, the diameter of wires, or the size of small electronic components.
You would typically measure the distance around a school in meters, as this is a more precise unit of measurement for shorter distances. Kilometers are better suited for measuring longer distances.
Actually, "astronauts" usually don't. They measure distances mostly in km. The furthest from Earth any astronaut has ever been is about 400,000 km, which is still a manageable number in km. Astronomers don't either, for the most part; they tend to use either AU (for in-system distances) or parsecs for interstellar distances. When light-years are used, it's generally because the distances involved are too large for km or AU. 1 light year is about 9,500,000,000,000 km, so you can see how much of a difference that makes. 1 light year is only about 63,200 AU, but that still adds up pretty quickly.
The word managed can be abbreviated in a couple different ways. These include "man" and "mgd". However, the word managed is not usually abbreviated.
It is usually abbreviated as "Cart".
Senior is usually abbreviated to 'Sr.'