

Best Answer
  • Hawk
  • Aardvarks
  • Cheetahs
  • Wolves
  • Deer
  • Antelope
  • African Elephants
  • Zebras
  • Lions
  • Giraffes
  • Horses
  • Monarch Butterflies
  • Grasshoppers
  • Snakes
  • Mice
  • Buffalo
  • Coyotes
  • Bobcats
  • Rhinoceros
  • Leopard
  • Tigers
  • Rabbits
  • Hares
  • Gophers
  • Prairie dogs
  • Hyenas
  • Impalas
  • Gazelles
  • Badgers
  • Foxes
  • Jaguars
  • Llamas

Grassland animals of Australia include:

  • kangaroos
  • some types of wallabies
  • wombats
  • emus
  • dunnarts
  • rat-kangaroos
  • striped legless lizards

The grasslands are home to small animals and herbivores such as mice, groundhogs, weasels, rabbits and prairie dogs, as well as the carnivores that prey on them which include coyotes, badgers, rattlesnakes, eagles, panthers, bobcats, lions, hawks, and owls. Larger grassland grazing animals include bison, elephant, gazelle, wildebeest, zebra, and antelope.


That depends on where the grasslands are located. However, generically grasslands will be populated by grazing herbivores and their predators.


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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

well from the studies i have been doing i have leart that the animals that were in the grasslands were birds and chipmunks and t rexs from the looks of it the birds and chipmunks r screwed bassically from the doctor frank enstine

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In North America there are deer, wild horses, coyotes, bison, praire dogs, mice, rabbits, skunks, wolves and tons of birds

in the grassland biome lived all kind of animals like gbus, flamingos, lions, ants, cheetahs, zebras, wild hogsand wildhawks.

in Canada there are many graasland animals like bison, sharp- tailed grouse, whooping crane,coyote,badger and pronghorn.

the person who wrote this is an idiot

-queen Elizebith LOLLL

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βˆ™ 11y ago
the animals that live in the grasslands are
  • Africa - aardvark, African wild cat, African elephant, many antelopes, baboon, buffalo, Cape hunting dog, cheetah, giraffe, gnu, hartebeest, hippopotamus, hyena, impala, jackals, kudu, leopard, lion, meerkat, mongoose, oryx, ostrich, red-billed oxpecker, rhinoceros, vulture, wildebeest, zebra, and many other animals.
  • Australia - dingo, emu, kangaroo, wallaby, wombat, and many other animals. Many non-native animals have been introduced, including the camel, donkey, goat, horse, rabbit, and sheep.
  • North America - American toad, badger, black-footed ferret, bison, black-tailed jack rabbit, bumble bee, burrowing owl, California condor, carrion beetle, common snipe, coyote, deer, dragonfly, eagles, eastern cottontail, elk, ferruginous hawk, fox snake, golden owl, gopher snake, grasshopper, gray wolf, ground squirrels, killdeer, lady beetle, larks, long-billled curlew, meadow vole, monarch butterfly, northern grasshopper mouse, prairie chicken, prairie dog, prairie rattlesnake, prairie skink, pronghorn antelope, red fox, red-tailed hawk, shrew, skunk, stink bug, tiger beetle, western meadowlark, western tiger swallowtail, white-tailed jack rabbit, and many other animals.
  • South America - armadillo, opossum, fox, jaguar, llama, puma, rhea, tapir, many rodents, and many other animals.
  • Eurasia - golden pheasant, leopard gecko, snow leopard, vole, and many other animals.

There are so many animals that live in the grasslands. Some of them are very small such as mice, prairie dogs, and the little insect called the aphid. These animals can hide easily in the tall grass of the grasslands. Other animals roam the grasslands of Africa such as the African elephant, lions, zebras, giraffe, black rhinoceros, and many more! These animals are too large to hide in the grasses, so they must protect themselves in other ways.

Lions, cheetas, and coyotes are able to protect themselves by running very fast. Other large animals travel in groups. Elephants, zebras and rhinoceros roam the grasslands in huge herds. These herds are able to protect the smaller, weaker animals from lions and other predators.

Here in the United States, buffalo used to roam the grasslands, but no so much anymore. Buffalo are huge animals with thick, brown fur. A long time ago, many people hunted the buffalo. Today, a person can not shoot a buffalo, so the mammal is slowly making a comeback.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

There are so many animals that live in the grasslands. Some of them are very small such as mice, prairie dogs, and the little insect called the aphid. These animals can hide easily in the tall grass of the grasslands. Other animals roam the grasslands of Africa such as the African elephant, lions, zebras, giraffe, black rhinoceros, and many more! These animals are too large to hide in the grasses, so they must protect themselves in other ways.

Lions, cheetas, and coyotes

are able to protect themselves by running very fast. Other large animals travel in groups. Elephants, zebras and rhinoceros roam the grasslands in huge herds. These herds are able to protect the smaller, weaker animals from lions and other predators.

Here in the United States, buffalo used to roam the grasslands, but no so much anymore. Buffalo are huge animals with thick, brown fur. A long time ago, many people hunted the buffalo. Today, a person can not shoot a buffalo, so the mammal is slowly making a comeback.

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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Animals commonly found in grasslands include bison, gazelles, zebras, prairie dogs, lions, and elephants. These animals have adapted to the open terrain and rely on grasses for food and shelter.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Animals such as, secretary birds, prairie dogs, wild horses, wild ass, and many different type of gazelle live in a grassland biome

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